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Moon Gods

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"The Unfettered". Hindu mother goddess. She was self-formed and the mother of the sun and moon gods, Mitra and Varuna. She is the unlimited space of sky beyond the far east, the brilliant light from which the gods sprang. She clears obstacles, protects, and solves problems.

Aine of Knockaine
Celtic (Irish) goddess of love and fertility, later known as the fairy queen. Goddess related to the moon, crops, and farms or cattle. Aine is revered among Irish herbalists and healers and is said to be responsible for the body's life force.

From Arabia; full the moon, granite magic.

From Arabia. Crescent moon, acacia.

Greek goddess of the sea, the moon, calm, tranquility. She who brings life to death and death to life.

Greek goddess of barley flour, destiny, and the moon.

Supreme African (Dogon) god who created the sun and the moon. The myth of Dogon is used to justify the custom of female circumcision as practiced in many parts of Africa. They said that he tried to procreate with the earth (female) but his passage to her was blocked by a "red termite hill". This had to be cut away before he could mate with the earth.

From Canaan, Ur, Persia; love, fertility, the moon. Also known as Anat, Anait, Anatu, Qadesh.

From British Celtics; the moon, divination, rabbit magic.

Manifestation magic, moon, air, fertility, prosperity. Celtic (Irish) goddess of plenty. Mother earth goddess and maiden aspect of Morrigu.

From The Philippines; sky and moon, fertility.

Italian witch goddess. She came to earth to teach her mother Diana's magic. Symbolizes the air element, the moon.

"The Silver Wheel", "High Fruitful Mother". Celtic (Welsh) goddess, the sister of Gwydion and wife of Don. Deity of element of Air, reincarnation, full moons, time, karma, retribution.

Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. She is also one of the virgin goddesses, and she protects women in labor, small children and wild animals. She, Hestia, and Athena are not affected by Aphrodite's manipulations. Artemis may be thought of as the "silver goddess." She wore silver sandals, rode a silver chariot in the silver moonlight, and kills with silver arrows shot from a silver bow. In fact, many dying women, as well as women in childbirth, went to Artemis to ask for a quick, painless death from Her silver arrows.

Artemis was very beautiful and had many suitors, but would not marry until she found someone as wild and free and herself. Her nymphs, as well, vowed to not marry.

But one day, seven of the nymphs were in the woods when they saw the strong and handsome hunter Orion. Because of their promise to shun men, they fled. But he saw them and persued. Though swift and lithe, the nymphs grew weary. They called out to Artemis for help. Hearing their prayer, she turned them into pigeons, which flew up into the sky and because the stars called the Pleiades.

Orion turned away to hunt elsewhere, but soon met Artemis herself. Sharing a passion for hunting and the woodlands, they became good friends.

Apollo worried that she would marry Orion and break her vow. He knew that Orion received the ability to walk on water from his father Poseidon and was often out on the sea. So, he went to his sister and lef her to the sea. Provoking her with his great accomplishments, he dared her to try to hit a distant target at sea. Unaware that it was Orion, she shot an arrow precisely and hit the target.

The waves lifted Orion's body to the short. Artemis grieved her loss, then she placed him among the stars, with the Pleiades and his dog Sirius.

Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo, and the daughter of Leto and Zeus. Also symbolizes health, love, charms, shapeshifting. Sacred to Artemis are deer/stags, geese, wild dogs, fish, goats, bees, bears, trees.

Canaanite/Semetic sea goddess, symbolized by the phallus and the moon. Mistress of the deities. She is associated with the seas, fertility, heaven, the moon, and sexuality.

Near Eastern (Syrian) mother goddess who symbolizes the moon, love, and fertility. She was most often portayed as half-woman and half-fish. Her sacred animals were the dove and fish.

Atius Tirawa
Creation, moon, sun, and stars.

Love, the moon.

"Rider Of The Clouds". Canaanite rain god. Air, fire, fertility, health, fruitfulness, the moon, productivity.

Love, the moon.

"Queen Belili". Love, the moon.

Love, Flower magic, the moon.

Greek moon goddess.

Celtic (Welsh) Moon, Grain and Nature Goddess. Cerridwen's symbol is a white sow. Patron of the poets, greatest of all the bards.

She prepared in a cauldron a magical brew which stewed for a year and would yield three precious drops. These would bestow on the receiver the wisdom of the past, the knowledge of the present, and the secrets of the future.

Cerridwen symbolizes luck, element of earthk, death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, inspiration, the arts, science, poetry, astrology/zodiac.

Celtic god of fertility, life, animals, wealth, and the underworld. The Horned God is born at the winter solstice, marries the Goddess at Beltane, and dies at the summer solstice. He alternates with the Goddess of the moon in ruling over life and death, continuing the cycle of death, rebirth and reincarnation. Symbolizes element of earthk, love, fertility, and luck.

Ch'ang O, Queen of the Moon
Chinese moon goddess who had her palace of Great Cold on the moon.

Egyptian god of the moon. The best-known story about him tells of him playing the ancient game senet ("passage"). against Thoth, and wagering a portion of his light. Thoth won, and because of losing some of his light, Khons cannot show his whole glory for the entire month, but must wax and wane.

The Divine Sorcerous, the moon, general magic.

Aztec mother goddess, a giver of life. She was positive and negative and therefore had the ability to bless or punish. Often shown as a woman with claws and a skirt of snakes. Symbolizes the moon.

"Golden Bells". Aztec moon goddess. Symbolizes element of fire, the moon.

Australian moon god who punished animals with death. He is the only one who can return to life from death.

Queen of the Witches, love, luck, the moon, general magic.

Celtic (Welsh) Queen of the Heavens and Goddess of air and sea. Ruled over the land of the dead. Corresponds to the Celtic (Irish) goddess Danu. Symbolizes control of the elements, the moon.

Hindu goddess who represents the power of the Supreme Being which stands for morals and ethics. She protects mankind from misery by destroying evil forces such as jealousy, anger, and prejudice. She is symbolized by the tiger, the conch, and weapons. She is often shown with many weapons in her hands to represent how evil cannot be killed with just one weapon, but takes many. Also associated with sorcery, fertility, leo magic, the moon, general magic.

The first Canaanite god, he corresponds to the Hebrew god Yahweh. Symbolizes fertility and the moon.

Vodou (Voodoo) goddess of the love and the elemental forces. She is the embodiment of beauty. She lives luxuriously and appears powdered and perfumed, wearing fine clothes. She is generous with her love as well as gifts. As Erzulie Ge-Rouge, she is show lamenting the shortness of life and the limitation of love. As Erzulie-Dantor, she is the goddess of abused women. As Erzulie-Freda, she is the moon goddess. She is wife of three husbands- Agwi, Ogoun, and Damballah. Comparable to Aphrodite or Venus.

Goddess of All Things, Queen of the Circling Universe, the moon.

"Queen of the Valkyeries". Norse (Scandinavian) goddess of love, sex, sensuality, passion, and fertility. Called the most beautiful of the goddesses. She is also the patron Goddess of crops and birth. Her father is Njörd; her brother, Freyr. She spends much of her time with the faeries. She symbolizes war, fertility, leo magic, fruitfulness, the moon, poetry, child blessing, maternity.

Norse (Scandinavian) Goddess of love, fertility, marriage and motherhood. It is said that she knows but will not reveal the destiny of everyone. She symbolizes fertility, physical love, foresight, cunning, wisdom, the moon, and love. Also known as Frigga.

Element of air, the moon.

Keeps death far away, the moon, love, health.

"The Beautiful Face In The Boat For Thousands Of Years". Egyptian goddess of joy and love. Symbolizes love, beauty, happiness, joy, element of Air, the moon.

"Goddess of the Witches", "Goddess of the Dark Moon". The original incarnation of the holy trinity, the crone aspect of the triple goddess. She was warped by the coming and spread of Christianity into a demonic, evil monster to obscure her importance in healing and love magic. She symbolizes blessing, cursing, luck, divination, the moon, oracles, prophecy, magical empowerment, mutation, healing, wisdom, women's mysteries.

Hecate Selene
The Far Shooting Moon, the moon.

Bright Moon, Beauty, the moon.

Matron of Witches, the moon, health.

Greek goddess of matrimony and cycles of women's growth. Sister and wife of Zeus. She is best known for her intense jealousy of all of Zeus' affairs with mortal women. She can be invoked for love, the moon, element of Air, motherhood.

The Hesperides
Immortallity, the moon.

Teutonic goddess of orderliness, housekeeping, spinning of flax. Also the goddess of snow and rain. May be invoked for the moon or love.

"Queen Moon". Near Eastern (Sumerian) queen of heaven. She ruled over the stars, planets, water, and light. Also symbolizes love, destruction of the indestuctable, health, the moon workings.

Near Eastern (Assyria). The goddess of venus is the Queen of Inanna, called Ishtar by the Babylonians. She is the goddess of sex and passion in love and war. She appeared as a beautiful lady in the company of lions. Her counterpart is the moon god Nanna. When they are in agreement, there is great mirth, happiness, and celebration. She will bestow a worthy bride upon any man who is deserving and makes a proper sacrifice. Her symbol is the eight or sixteen pointed star, and her sacred number is 15.

Praise the Goddess, most awesome
of the Goddesses, Let one revere the mistress of the
people, the greatest of the Gods.
Praise Ishtar, the most awesome of
the Goddesses,
Let one revere the Queen of Women,
the greatest of the Gods.

-Babylon text, circa 1600 BCE

Mayan moon goddess, married to a sun god.

Italian goddess of the moon.

Roman goddess of the home and motherhood/women, wife of Jupiter. Watched and protected all women. Her festival is Matronalia, where people asked Juno to bless their marriages and provide a safe childbirth and a healthy newborn. Juno restores peace to quarreling lovers. Also symbolizes the moon, the moon, love, fertility. See also Hera.

Hindu black earth mother. It is said that she induces fear in anyone who looks upon her, so grim is her appearance. She is a dark, destructive aspect of the goddess, and is known for giving life and then taking it away again. She often eats her own children for sustainance. She is worshipped primarily by assassins. She symbolizes the moon, protection, divination, creation, necromancy, combat.

There is no light, nor any motion.
There is no mass, nor any sound.
Still, in the lampless heart of the ocean,
Fasten me down and hold me drowned
Within thy womb, within thy thought,
Where there is naught-
where there is naught!

-Aleister Crowley, "Kali" (excerpt)

Moonlight, Lunar.

"The Traveller". Theban god of the moon.

Night Bearer, the moon.

Finnish moon goddess.

The Shining, the moon.

Fertility, the moon.

Linda The Binder With Linen Thread
Binding, the moon.

Roman moon and calendar goddess. Also known as Lunah.

"Virgin Of The Sky", "Creatrix Of The World", symbolizes the element air and the moon.

Mama Kilya
Mother Moon, the moon.

"The Shining One Over The Sea", symbolizes fertility, love, the moon.

Love, the moon.

"The High Fruitful Mother", the moon, fertility, love.

Metsaka, Grandmother Moon

The Moerae
The Fates, destiny, the moon.

Love, the moon.

Norse (Scandinavian) great goddess of earth. Mother goddess, symbolizes the moon and fertility.

"Lady Of The Sails". Egyptian goddess of war and weaving. She symbolizes strength, love, the moon, courage.

Nocturnal sun, the moon.

Fertility, the moon.

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