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Studies in Deception Part II

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GoT DeCePtIoNs???

Remember the following are Deceptions.

Someone claims they have "found" The Ark of the Covenant[1]

Someone claims they have "found" the Ashes of the Red Heifer[2]

Someone claims they are a "Prophet" but can not produce all their so-called "prophecies"

"The Darby Rapture" and other doctrines of Dispensationalism

Someone claims Election and Predestination are false teachings[3]

"The Love Gospel"

"The Feelings Gospel"

Humanism both "christian" and "secular"

Someone says a Believing Lady can Marry anyone she wants as long as he says he is a Christian.[4]



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[1]This is a fairly popular scam. Only the very deceived are taken in. Any "teacher" that teaches the Ark of the Covenant has been found should not even be a teacher.

[2]We heard once on the radio a "popular middle east archaeologist" claiming he was "very close" to unearthing the Ashes of the Red Heifer that "Jeremiah buried". All he needed people to do was just send him another $250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand dollars US) for a new bulldozer! That was 10 years ago. No word yet!

[3]Believers have to careful about this as many "Churches" use the word "Election" and "Predestination" but do not use the same definitions that the Bible does. The True Definitions were carefully produced by Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformers.

To know the deceivers, see if they say the Election and Predestination are merely "because of Gods' Foreknowledge" of who and who would not later believe and their "human will" gives them their power to believe.

The word Election comes from the Greek word eklektos which means "to choose one out from among many". It does not relate to "Foreknowledge", but G-ds' Choice. Foreknowledge is prognosis, a completely different word! Certainly G-d Foreknew because He did the Choosing! That is not the issue here, but who did the Choosing! It was G-d who Chose the Elect. Yeshua said:

You have not chosen Me, but I Have Chosen you. John 15:16

The true meaning of Election is twisted by deceivers, and many get away with it whithout anyone saying peep! The Bible says that G-d the Father Chose certain ones out from among many to be Saved in Christ Jesus. This happened by His Eternal Decree before the Foundation of the world. He did not choose all. Ephesians Chapter 1, John 6:44. Our "human will" is not a factor. John 1:13.

[4] Believing Ladies should NEVER Marry or Date a Spiritually immature man even if he says he's Christian. To be a Mature Christian, he will have his Spiritual Gift Operating for the Edification of the Church. Ladies go HERE for more on the subject.

In addition, Marrying any unbeliever who promises to "convert later" is completely out of the question.