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HTML help

Backround Color
Bacround from an Image
Image align
Font color
Bold text
Italics text
Typewriter style text
Text color 2
Font size
Link with title
Email link
New paragraph
Align text
Insert Break
Text Area
Check box
Backround Color First thing people want to try is a backround color.

Where it says ?????? you type the #s or letters of the color you want.

Bacround from an Image To put an image you want as a backround go to some where make an acount on angelfire and you can upload images from your computer. Once the picture is on angelfire you can type or just click on the image then click view and copy the url and paste that url into the space that says 'PASTE URL HERE' but dont take off the "'"'s .

Image Next to learn is how to put an image on your site an image:

Image Align Where 'WHERE' is type left, right, center; bottom, top, middle. To be able to align the image use this:

Font Color If you want to change the color of you font use this code, and same as before where the ?????? is type the #/letter code of you color.

Bold Text To make you text bold put these around the want to be bold text:

Italic Text For italics text use this code around your text:

Typewritter style Text If you want your text typewriter style use this:

Font color 2 If you want just a certain text to be a color use this:

Font Size To change your font size use this:The sizes are 1-7.

Size 1

Size 4

Size 7

Link To make a link use this:

Link with a Title To make a link with a title use this:

Linking an Email If you want a link so some one can e-mail you type in the url to mail them. use this:

Ex. To E-mail me you go to:


Forming a New Paragraph To form a new paragraph use this:

Aligning Text Another way to align you writing is to use this: To align you type center, right or left where there is the text 'ALIGNMENT'.

Aligning Text To insert a break:

Blockquotes To make a blockquote:


teeeeeee dddddooos jksdkjhfjkhjksd hello my name is monkey. little red monkey goes up and down! up and down. deeeeee daaa weeeeee waaa haaaa heee teee. oakly-doakly neighbor--lol

Text area To create a text box like this:(note: you can change the size of the box by changeing '10' and '1'.)Then add /textarea (you have to add the <&> because of how the browsers read it)


Checkbox To make a check box:

Color Code