Adopt a Charrie

Sadly *tear tear* almost all of the people that have joined here have not been active. These are their characters, if you would like to adopt one. PLEASE DO! (If you adopt one that has a Valilest you can go to Loklosa sooner than in five days, because the Valilest will be grown.)

Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Description: She has long brown hair and blue eyes. She is vary caring but stands for what she thinks is right. She doesn't let anyone push her around either.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Description: Hard to befriend, shy, but lonely and needing someone to talk to.

Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Description: None

Race: Troll
Gender: Male
Description: Very tough; a warrior. However, he feels emotions more profoundly than most of his race.

That's all! If you would like to adopt a charrie just says which one(s) you would like on the Joining and Bonding Board.
