The Rules

I know, I know, no one likes rules. But hey, they’re for a good cause, right?

1# Do not swear!! If you absolutely must, then keep it down to ‘damn’ and ‘hell’.

2# No links to pornography and/or stuff like that! If you do put a link like that up, I will automatically delete you from the ‘members’ list and you will never be allowed to join again. If you want to put up a link to an RPG site or some nice little site like that, then put it on the Advertise board.

3# You must post at least once every two weeks. I mean, come on, how fun’s it going to be if you never post? If you are going on vacation, or something similar (trips with school, week at parents place, etc.), just let me know, and I’ll exclude you from this rule. If you have not been on for two months I will delete you from the members list.

4# No stealing other people’s Valilest! Wouldn’t getting your own be better?!

5# You cannot power play other people’s characters, unless given permission.

6# Try not to use abbreviations, such as ‘lol’ and ‘j/k’.

7#When you get to Loklosa, don’t tell other people the link! They will get one, if they try!

8#Have fun! And tell me if you see any mistakes on this site. I won’t notice them all! Thanx, and the password is ‘No Flower’.
