Hello, and welcome to my small corner of the world. Let me start by telling you a little about myself.
My name is Brider . I am what you might call a 'jack of all trades'. I have been a US marine, a carpenter, and a furniture delivery man. I have also worked in a factory and owned my own professional picture framing business. Now, I am adding Vampire Hunter to my list of trades.
Before you roll your eyes and start thinking "Oh, great. Another crazy lunatic that thinks he's a 'vampire hunter'." allow me to explain...
From a young age, I have been interested in paranormal subjects. Recently, I have been researching the subject of vampires. I have always felt that there had to be some truth to the legends and myths concerning the undead. Something just out of reach...elusive and mysterious.
I'm not your average internet based 'Vampire Hunter'. I am well past the age of 16, and I don't go creeping through cemeteries at midnight hunting for the undead (not so far anyway). I haven't seen an episode of Buffy for over 4 years. I don't harass anyone because of the way they dress or act. Hell, I don't even own a crucifix or a wooden stake. I am only looking for the truth about the existence of vampires. I have only scratched the surface in my search, so the definition of my "Vampire Hunter" title may change depending upon what I discover (or what discovers me).

6 - 21 - 2002: I will be updating the pages quite often for the next couple of weeks. I may do away with the Journal and just use this update section to pass along news. Or I may just use the journal to pass along updates on my vampire hunting experiences. We'll see what happens. If you haven't read the Journal section yet, don't worry, you haven't missed anything. I have the forums up and running and checked the links to make sure they are all working. The link to the Highgate Vampire page isn't working for some reason. I know it's the right url...I think it's a problem with the page itself. So, I have a whopping 2 links that actually work.
6 - 23 - 2002 - I added a new link today. That's pretty cool. Now I have 3 links that work. Hopefully the search engines will list me pretty soon. It's depressing looking at the counter and realizing that I have visited my own page 48 times. On the other hand...I can use this time to improve my page.
6 - 27 - 2002 - I'm doing away with this Updates section and moving it all into a new page of it's own called What's New. Original, don't you think? All major news will still be noted here on the index page. Thank you for bearing with me until I get this all settled down.
I'll be keeping a journal that you can have a look at if you wish. It will contain everything that I experience pertaining to vampires, and also my comments about the way I think the page is working out. My goal is to write a little something every day in the journal, though life has a tendency to thwart the best plans.
I also have a section titled My thoughts. This is where I will write a little essay every few days about whatever is on my mind. I wont use it as a rant page because there is a rant section in the message forums.
Speaking of the message forums, role play is welcome in all forums unless stated otherwise. There will be only one forum dealing with vampire fact. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but I am leaving one message forum confined to facts only. Hmmm...maybe I'll call it the Jack Web forum...just the facts ma'am.
Updated on 7 - 11 - 2002