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New Poems


you know that i love you
u mean the world to me
you know that a kiss means the world to me
you mean the world to me
to be here when im at my low
you tease me so
just saying a kiss is a kiss you hurt me

you come over acting like everything is the same
acting like we never were
saying things as we never really knew each other
you love to tease me
you know ill never stop you
you always play the games
that cause me to love u more
yet u still kiss me
kiss is just a kiss and it means nothing to me
you say
but yet u know the kiss ment everything

how suprised i was when i thought we were together again
how wrong i was
you admit to be with another
yet u still consist to kissing me
am i missing something?
you mean the world to me but yet you keep torturing me
keeping me thinking im yours
when ur heart is with another
will you ever quit?
will your heart ever be mine?
will i ever realize this is just a game?
will i ever get out of my low?

If You Knew II

Would if be hard for me to say
"I like you"
Would you ever know how i truely feel
doing what i do just for a few words
words that stay with my heart
cause they were spoken by you

living in silence is easy
not hearing you is hard
life without you would be pointless
just going day to day
not hearing the things i treasure most
the one thing that keeps me together
but it will never be

your heart will never be mine
for it is always with another
someone not like me
someone for me to be
if i were like them
would i have a chance?
i think not
for i do not know myself to change

ill always be there
waiting in silence
waiting for a chance
if one so happens to arise
for my heart is with you but still i can not say "I like you"


you know that i love you
y do you act so afraid?
you know that i truely love you
yet you stay away
when times are bad i was there
always trying to help
never trying to hurt

your bound by 1
you met him in better times
you said you dont really care for him
yet y are you still with him?
the 1 that holds us apart
the 1 torturing me

knowing you as i did
i should of talked more
afraid to talk, talking we slightly did
yet you nkow that i love you
i didnt meet you in good times
the feelings never changed
my heart is only with you
staying with you and not leaving
hoping your heart will become unbound
so i may have a bound heart for once.

As in the Ice Age

its dark and cold
so cold everything freezes
life vanishes
the few live on
but basicly life

the feeling of being heart-broken is the same
being so cold and dark
being so and hopeless
your feelings for life vanish
as does with the cold
only the few things that need to be done
still exist
but in the end everything rebuilds
as in the ice age

Trying to Live

Have you ever tried to live?
without help from others
trying to do what you can to make it
living through all that comes your way
trying to live without family
living without friends
only you
working day and night just to make rent
hoping for some saving grace
that will help you through

trying day to day to live
that is life
life where every small thing matters
even the little piece of bread
could mean life or death
with things bringing relief
things could just bring more pain

living would not be fun
trying the hardeest you can
to live and help yourself
with no luxeries
nothing but work, work, and more work
where everything could mean no life
life you would think
isnt worth anything
but everything is worth something
even when you think
people dont care
they actually do

always watching
always there to help
trying to be your grace
to help you through this day

Another Day

Another day has gone by
another day wasted away
one less til the end
1 less for me to face my fears
1 less day to live in sorrow

1 step closer to heaven
1 step farther away from you
1 less day to face the fear
the fear of staying with you
y cant you be done with me
just take everything and leave
stop torturing me
burning me inside
just be done with me

i want to turn away
away from all of this
away from the sorrow
sorrow that only you can bring
the sorrow tat is eating me
eating away my soul

another day has gone by
1 less til the end
how many more?
til your done with me?


silent i sit
silent you sit
silence is peace
the slightest noise upsets
perfect harmony

up the noise rises
louder louder
yet silent i sit
silent u sit
is it a dream
or is someone actually being like me
the noise is deafening
zooning i go
y not talk to her?
y cause silence is better
the best things are left unspoken
the best times spent silent
up she gets and sits next to me
"silence is peace" she whispers
did she read my mind?
together we sit here
with her in my arms

silence the best noise
has let us be together
the best times we all have
are spent in silence
the noise stops
she wakens
with the softness of her voice
she breaks the silence
"its so peaceful"
yes silence is peaceful
but what is peaceful when
no one is sharing it with you?

The Sword

Blood splashing
guts ripping
face in the dirt
this is what i live for
swinging to kill
defending my master
doing what i'm told
wheather to kill or to honor
im always there
by my master's side
waiting to be put to use

red i was once
red i usually am
but master tortures me
when he cleans me
the hot blood on my face
is what i pray for during grace
to be of use in the time of battle
instead of staying by my masters side

a new master i want
someone who kills
so i could be of use
to be covered in blood
to be honed
to be sharper and deadlier
to be on call when needed
to not be just there
but to be what i was made for
to kill and protect
for i am just a sword
and thats what im made for

all are writen by JAE let me know wat u think of them Leave MSG Here