
How Massive Destruction was Born

The Legacy

Bc.900-A Forgoten City

We are human, not just a plain mortal human. We are knowed as an imortal species that leaves up to 1 million years ahead. It all started when our city was attacked by the trolls... it's been 100 years now. The only way to over come the trolls was to enter the Dungeon of Norath. Many failed, desapearance, lack of food and watter, signs that have showed us to there death and much more. The one that leave and returned to the city was transformed into a new species we now call Froglok. Our city's been destroyed and now ruled by what we call Trolls. Our magic power and our most enchanted defence has been sealed and sent to the underground Dungeons of Norath.

Bc.950- An Epic Adventure

The king order me, Cirus an uper knight of marr and my fellow companion Gleen an underfoot knight of marr, one of Gukta's last resource to the under ground of Gukta and find the treasure that would make us free and powerfull once again.

Chapter 1 Gleen's survival-

The city knew Gleen and Cyrus Failed because of there desapearence!!! Couple month latter an oger returned with the blade of Gleen and the armor of Gleen itself. A strange oger said he was Gleen but yet no view of Cyrus... 1 year later Cyrus never retured. Tear's have fallen down from gleen's face... Gleen refused to believed Cyrus was gone.

The oger was sent to a quest to prove the kingdom he was Gleen. They gave him 1 year...

Half Year gone by- Cyrus's journal was found... as a proff of gleens Illution.
day 1- Everything looks fine and where in good condition. not much to say nor much to see.

day 2- Things are getting kind of dark inside and i have been bitten by a bitten victim... must of been one of our falling soldiers.

day 3- I'am now poison. Gleen is doing fine, hope we find cures soon or later.

day 4- strange i'am now cure but still tired.

day 5- we are running out of time before this dungeons closes on us, but where deep into it, we canot fail our mans.

day 6- a curse has been put on gleen. Dam it!!! his now an oger... at least his still fine.

day 7- so long still not much sign of some spell scroll nor trasure that migh help our king. Where not stoping now. Here we go tomorow we are going deeper into the hearth of the cave.

day 8- Finaly... a Sword!!! no dead corpse nor smell around... can it be... it's masamune...

day 9- We found an acient cloak with a spell book. we got 4 days to run back this cave ... although we havent finished this cave it's way to big for days.

day 10- Gleen and i fought some demons, but not good... i step on some magic portal leaving gleen with the gang of mob. I hope his doing fine and runs out safely. Althoug i got poisoned again.

day 11- I'am now lost unknowed where i have been ported...

day 12- I'am suffering, the poison is on me again.

Chapter 2 Gleen's Retrieval

Gleen was now called Warguk as Gleen's greatest master Cirus, Against the will of King Guk, Gleen left on the journey on the search of Cyrus. With no trouble Gleen found the last room Cyrus really was. Gleen fough and fough an undead spirit not knowing it was Cyrus asking for help. After battling with Gleen, Cirus mubled and said it's you!!, Is it really you??? Gleen help me.

Chapter 3 Gleen's Victory

Gleen freed Cyrus spirit away from the 1 year ethernal stunning death poison trap. He then returned home with the sword Massamune an epic sword that had been knowed as the Sword of Freedom, a great enchanter sword and the 3 scroll found in the guk. One scroll released the curse upon the Gukta Sivilian and everyone was able to cast spell and fight like a real warrior. Yet no cure was found for the form shape froglok. One scroll was the ancient spells. The last one was called the Tear's of Death. On the bottom it said Cyrus Cirilious Tear's. I guess it was created by cyrus last tears.

Chapter 4 The Troll War-

With the new spell's and all there power back. Gukta was saved from the Trolls. Defeating the trolls and making them run to the dark elves city.

Chapter 5 A New Legacy Goes On!!!

Here was where Massivedestruction was Build in the city of Gukta where the legacy began.