

The Frogloks of Guk are a good-aligned race that devoutly follows Mithaniel Marr, the god of Valor. Frogloks can be a variety of classes and are the first race with both Shaman and Cleric class options open to them. Frogloks may also take the paths of Warrior, Paladin and Wizard.

Frogloks are a race of strong swimmers and are able to hold their breath for long periods of time. In addition, Frogloks have excellent night vision through the benefit of the Ultravision ability. Frogloks are able to wear both small and medium sized armor. Frogloks are viewed as an odd race, but are tolerated in all but the evil cities of Norrath. Followers of Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule and Bertoxxulous have no love for the Frogloks and will often attack them on sight.

Swimming begins at a skill level of 125


Amphibious Breathing (ability to hold their breath under water for long periods of time)

Higher Magic and Poison Resistance

Able to wear small and medium sized armor

Cla Str Sta Agi Dex Wis Int Cha

Cle 75 85 100 100 85 75 50

Pal 80 85 100 100 80 75 60

Sha 70 85 100 100 85 75 55

War 80 90 105 100 75 75 50

Wiz 75 90 100 100 75 85 50