Guild Rules

Decendent of our God. Only Our Allience

Shall follow us.

We are pk Hunters, not pkers

To kill all pkers, Being in anti guild dont make you a none Evol player but a change can be a change.

Hunt them all the time, once your enemy shall then be an enemy for life.

Be a god yourself, Being a god means- to fight alone is not hard to do.

Don't beg for help, ask. Dont ask to much if they can't help you atm.

Be able to solo things yourself, your own ways. Preferable. Know how to group failry.

Kill anyone who threatened you.

Destroy all traitors

If you group together, the loot goes to the highest rank, shall then be split at the end. Dont be Greedy.

LDON- As a guild group- Give it to the most Usefull player (Take turns or if you like roll but organize before guild goes in dungeons). Decide who gets first Augsmentation, who's second. It does not reset. Who ever comes longer has a better chances to get more no drops.

Dont fight nor kill each other(fight for fun) You better help others in guild if your near by. As much as posible.

Have a nice hunt (solo, group, Pk hunt) Be smart!!! Use Magelo, at all cost... save up your money...


Such as spying in other guilds and finding who pkers are, Anti guild dont mean they are all good. It just means it has a higher chance to be good.