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Cloud Profile

Cloud Profile

CLOUD Profile

Full name: Cloud Strife
Age: 21
Occupation: Mercenary
Height: 5'4"
Birthdate: February 7
Birthplace: Nibelheim
Blood type: AB
Mother: Mrs Strife?
Father: Unknown
Mother's occupation: Unemployed
Father's occupation: Unknown
Weapon: Broad Sword

Cloud's Good Points

1) He's kinda cute
2) A Very strong fighter
3) He's got a kind of interesting personality
4) He can be sensitive and sweet when he wants to be
5) Amazing limit breaks

Cloud's Bad Points

1) He can be a little cold - hearted, especially to Tifa
2) He's kinda confusing

Cloud's History

Cloud was a pretty normal kid. He grew up in Nibelheim and lead a normal life, but he was kinda lonely. He didn't really fit in with the other kids. He wanted to, but I guess he was a little shy.
You never hear about Cloud's father, so I guess he died or moved away when Cloud was very young.

Cloud once got told off when Tifa hurt herself. She went to Mt. Nibelheim to see if her mother was on the other side. She went with three guys she always hung around with. Cloud followed them. The three guys chickened out when they got to the bridge, but Cloud didn't. He stayed with Tifa.
The bridge wasn't very steady, and the two of them fell. Cloud got away with a bloody knee, but Tifa had hit her head. She didn't remember anything. Cloud got the blame for it. Everybody thought he'd brought Tifa up here.

When Cloud was fourteen he left home to join SOLDIER. He never made it, though. He became a member of the Shinra Army.
On one of his missions, when he was sixteen, he was accompanying the SOLIDER members, Sephiroth and Zack, on their mission to Nibelheim. But Cloud was so embarrassed about not joining SOLDIER, he put his army mask on, and didn't let anyone know who he was.

Tifa was Sephiroth and Zack's guide. She took them to a mako reactor, past Mt. Nibelheim. Sephiroth told her to wait outside (which she wasn't too pleased about) Cloud waited with her.
Inside, Sephiroth began to question his birth. He wondered if he was a monster, something created just to work in SOLDIER.
He went into the Shinra Mansion, and stayed there for a few days. Cloud and Zack began to worry about him. Then, Sephiroth came out. He went kinda crazy, and set fire to Nibelheim. He then headed for the mako reactor. Cloud followed him. Cloud found Zack in the reactor. Zack was wounded. He asked Cloud to stop Sephiroth, who had also attacked Tifa. Cloud took Zack's sword, and found Sephiroth in Jenova's chamber. He tried to stop him, but Sephiroth just attacked him, and pushed past. Cloud wouldn't give up, however. He followed Sephiroth, into a section of the reactor that was above a pool of mako. Sephiroth jammed his sword into Cloud's torso, and raised him above his head. Then, Cloud shocked Sephiroth by grabbing the sword, and hurling Sephiroth into the pool below them.

But Cloud was so weak, when Hojo came to get him, he couldn't put up a fight. Neither could Zack. Hojo put the two of them in some tubes in the Shinra Mansion's lab. He filled the tubes with what was probably mako. He did experiments on them and treated them like specimens.

Then, when Hojo came for "feeding time", he opened the door on Zack's cage, and Zack came out and attacked him. Zack let Cloud out, and the two of them escaped.
They got a ride on the back of a truck, and got off at some point. Near Midgar, I think. Zack was talking about the future to Cloud, trying to cheer him up. Then, some Shinra Army troops came. They shot Zack dead, and looked at Cloud. Cloud looked like he'd die soon anyway, so they left him there. Then, Cloud took Zack's sword, and kinda took his identity too.

He went to Midgar, and Tifa found him just lying on the ground. Ever since, I think he's lived with her. And then FF7 started.

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