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Full name: Hojo *don't know his first/surname*
Age: Around 60
Occupation: Scientist
Height: 5'7"
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Blood type: Unknown (but possibly AB if Sephiroth is that)
Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Mother's occupation: Unknown
Father's occupation: Unknown
Weapon: His own magic, and attacks given to him by his Jenova cells

Hojo's Good Points

1) He's smart?
2) He tried to help Sephiroth

Hojo's Bad Points

1) Kinda insane ^_^;
2) He's very cold-hearted

Hojo's History

Although hardly anything is known about Hojo's childhood, there's a lot to say about his past...

Hojo went on a mission as a Shinra scientist with Gast, Lucrecia and Vincent to investigate Jenova. Hojo married Lucrecia almost as soon as he met her, and although Lucecia was already going out with Vincent, she dumped Vince for Hojo. After that, Hojo got Lucrecia pregnant with Sephiroth.

Hojo then offered Lucrecia to Professor Gast's Jenova project and the unborn Sephiroth was injected with Jenova cells. From then on Hojo pretty much used Sephiroth as an experiment, to test the powers and side effects of Jenova's cells.

After Sephiroth got killed, however, Hojo cloned his son, hoping that the clones would one day gather togeher for a reunion. This too was an experiment.
And that's pretty much all you get told about his past. Hojo at some point injected himself with Jenova cells, although an exact date is never given.

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