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Sephiroth's Profile

Full name: Sephiroth Masamune *credit goes to Claire for giving me his surname*
Age: 30
Occupation: Unemployed,ex-Soldier(first class)
Height: 6'1"
Birthdate: July 3
Birthplace: Nibelhaem
Blood type: AB
Mother: Lucrecia
Father: Hojo
Mother's occupation: Unemployed,ex-scientist
Father's occupation: Scientist,ex-Shinra scientist
Weapon: Masamune

Sephiroth's Good Points

1) He's a really strong person to have in your party if you've got gameshark
2) He's Loyal and respectful
3) He's got a good sense of humour(kinda sarcastic-look at the game carefully)
4) He's cute
5) He's got a great dress sense,he looks so cool!

Sephiroth's Bad Points

1) He's insane. I know he had his reasons for doing all that stuff but he could've calmed down a bit

Sephiroth's History

If you look at Sephiroth's past,he doesn't seem like a bad guy, just a lone wolf that doesn't know what it feels like to be cared for.

Thirty years ago three scientist, Hojo, Gast and Lucrecia were sent on a mission to investigate Jenova. A turk named Vincent accompanied them. Vincent soon fell in love with Lucrecia, he walked her home once, too. But I guess she had the hots for Hojo. Hojo married Lucrecia but Vincent didn't mind,as long as she was happy.

Professor Gast was head of the Jenova project, and, thinking that Jenova was an ancient, he thought he could create an ancient by injecting an unborn child with her cells. Hojo, having already gotten Lucrecia pregnant, offered the unborn baby to the Jenova project. That unborn child was Sephiroth.

As a side affect of being the mother of the child, the cells were slowly killing Lucrecia.

When Sephiroth was born, Lucrecia should have died but the Jenova inside her wouldn't allow that to happen. She was forced to run away, having been reported dead.

Sephiroth was born in Nibelheim mansion but was moved away and raised somewhere (probably by a Shinra employee) before Cloud or Tifa were born, Sephiroth was probably only a baby himself. He was probably brought up with Shinra and trained by them pretty much all his life. Raised to be a member of SOLDIER.
Sephiroth was always told that Jenova was the name of his mother and that she died right after she gave birth to him, he probably thought that his parents had just split up and his father had left his mother. He researched Jenova and believed that she had the right to become a God. Sephiroth would do anything to put his mother in her rightful place, he didn't know that she had invaded the planet and that she wasn't his real mother. Sephiroth was willing to do anything for Jenova and he would stop anyone that got in his way, he probably never even wantd to kill Aeris. He was never really nasty to her. He was more polite than anything, really (not that he was really sweet or anything)

Hojo or Vincent could have stopped this by telling Sephiroth about his real family, perhaps he would've become good friends with Cloud.

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