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Welcome To GreyWolf's Den

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My Den is a retreat (buen retiro),
a path to a place where
You can help to co-write
"A Small Boy".

The darkness creates an atmosphere for
rest, comfort, introspection, and Self-Discovery;
a place of truths.

My Feelings About Wolves
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[why would you want to?]

I, GreyWolf, believe that Wolves AND Wolf-Hybrids are NOT meant to be pets! (Regardless of how connected I/we feel to them)

This is clear when one looks at the fact that they are PACK oriented. They look to each other for companionship, not us. True we need to help ensure that they have a place to exist and roam free of persecution.

Remember, that these animals have instincts, and are opportunists. They are smart. They will see an opportunity and "against all training", they will act on their instincts. So, I ask,

1) "Does a person want a wolf for protection? Because it's "cool" to have one, or they are tough.

2 "If you take a wild animal, like the wolf, or a belgian tiger, or a grizzly bear, will you train it not to be wild?

3) Will you really be able to train it NOT to react to situations that it views as threatening?

4) If you introduce your friend to your pet, and your friend forgot to wash their hands after making the hamburgers (preparing meat) are you sure your pet won't "bite"?

If your training is so intense that you do "break the Spirit" of the animal, haven't you destroyed the reason you got it in the first place. Think about it.

For more information, go to "Wolf & Wolfdog Instincts" in My Wolf & Canine Links For More Information

Remeber, only here is a path to Inter-Active writing .

Your opinion may change the story.
If your suggestions are used, I will include your name,
and list your contribution in the Acknowledgments.

First, the condensed legal stuff

The contents of this WebPage (Greywolf's Den) and all linked pages are protected by copywrites,
either by GreyWolf, or the owner/webmaster of that WebPage.


This Page Updated On A Monthly Basis

Last updated on: April 14, 2004
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