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The Plans to End the World


Hello. The following are the plans to destroy the world:** #1. Get rid of all opposing forces. #2.Recreate the world to my liking. #3. Fight the only opposable force for power. #4.Win. #5.Take all people which I didn't slay home, and 1, keep them as pets, 2, share power with them, and 3, make them my labour slaves.They can build my masterpieces. #6.Bring back swords,armour, and shields.Get rid of guns and the like. But keep Paint ball guns. #7.Invent a buncha new stuff to improve my life, then sell them for mega bucks.Since the people wont be poor, they have to go bankrupt somehow. *Poor n grungy is just gross.* #8.Love.Find, and care, love. #9. Actually contact and go find the mother-ship, but not leaving my earth ungoverned. #10. Get rid of all pollution.Yeah, thats later in my plans. Gotta conquer 1st. #11.Ban all cameras.Pictures are EVIL. ******Plans are continuing, user is thinking& plotting******