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Maintaining your Katana

The saya (scabbard) of your Katana is finished in many coats of laquer. To preserve the sheen, the saya needs only to be wiped occasionally with a very soft cloth. Handle the saya only by holding the cord wrapped section, otherwise fine scratches caused by handling the laquered sections will dull the finish.

Blade Maintenance is very important to preserve the finish. You should maintain your blade the same way traditional pieces were (and are) maintained. Blade maintenance should be performed at least every three months and any time the blade is touched (skin oils will cause rapid corroson of fine steels).

    Materials Needed
  • Blade Oil- Preferably Choji or Rice
  • Rice Papers
  • A Powder Ball for Polishing
  • Blade Maintenance

    First, use a sheet of rice paper to remove oil from previous maintenance, holding the edge away from you and working very carefully to awoid injury. (Note: If you wish to save rice paper, a soft cotton cloth may be substituted).

    Them tap the powder ball lightly against the blade every two inches or so along its length, dusting the blade very lightly with powder. (Note: When using a powder ball for the first time, you may need to tap the ball against the blade a number of times to "start" the powder flow through the fabric of the ball). Then use a clean piece of rice paper or cotton cloth to carefully rub over the powder to polish the blade. Repeat until both sides of the blade have been polished and the powder removed.

    Apply a few drops of oil along the length of each side of the blade and use a clean piece of rice paper or cotton cloth to spread the oil evenly over the blade. Be sure not to touch the blade again before resheathing.

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