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Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2:Dead by Dawn
Army Of Darkness
The Trilogy
Fan Stuff
Evil Links

Evil Updates - August 23, 2001
Hey, sorry i haven't been updating the site for a while. i've been working on little things in the site that really aren't worth explaining here yet. well, as you can see to the left, right above "Evil Links" is my Fan Stuff page. now all i need stuff, so send it in.

I also might add that S-mart is now finished so look around there while you're here.

I also noticed that Tom Sullivan(make-up FX for Evil Dead 1 & 2)stopped by to sign the Necronomicon so you should, too! Piece out, homies... -Cheapslasherfilm-
Evil Updates - August 01, 2001
Well I finally got the Evil Dead II gallery done with more pictures to come. I think the ED II section is going by faster than I planned so it should be ready really shortly. Until then, check out the Evil Dead, Multimedia, and S-mart sections. And don't forget to sign the Necronomicon when you go!
I finally got the alternate ending downloadable in the Multimedia section!

*SPECIAL* -After the ED sections are completed, i'm going to put in hidden sections in each of the image maps for the pages where you can check out the workshed, see what's in ash's trunk, and buy copies that i've made of Within the Woods!
Evil Updates - July 30, 2001
Hey, everyone! This my first update so I'll kind of make this an intro to the site. I'm constantly adding new things so i'll post them here to keep you up to date. down at the bottom is my Evil poll (which i'll change every week!), and as you can see to your left is my Evil Dead sections. As of now, I only have the first Evil Dead section completed but i'm currently working on Evil Dead II so i'll have it done in no time. Until next update... -Cheapslasherfilm-

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