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You can't trust fish to just anyone.

That's why so many people don't like it. My parents are always pleased to find someone who likes fish. You have to have it fresh, and prepared by someone who knows fish, otherwise you.. just.. you haven't had it.

One of many life lessons Theresa learned while up wandering in her parents' old stomping grounds.

That, and things were very much the same. At my grandparents' house, absolutely nothing changed. The bathroom was still that sea green color, with the same soapy smell. It smelled the same outside, too. I had been wondering why the smell of lavender would make me feel nostalgic; it's because my grandparents' neighbors have lavender bushes.

Anyway, there are at least three untaken photos that now only exist in my memory: porpoises, a pair of moose, and three wayfaring Model T's from Texas.

These photos were mostly taken by other family members, in good old-fashioned FILM. My rolls haven't come back yet, so these will have to do, for now...

Ah yes, in my parents' homeland. So why do I feel so... eef... *touristy*?

My red-headed niece! I really have one! Nobody knows where the hair came from, but she's got it, and the attitude to match. We were talking about her at the dinner table and she came over, quite seriously: "I can hear every single word. Cuz I have on my listening ears." She's surprisingly articulate for a six-year-old.

Dad laid down on the parking lot to get this shot of us in front of the Mormon Temple in Anchorage. Who cares if Zachary can lift the weight of two chunky bros? It's all about me, baby.

My mom's cousin and his family are commercial fishers, and their house is right by the beach, where we learned to patch holes in the nets. You simply cannot climb these stairs without stopping for breath, unless you're an Aztec. Nevermind. The silt on the beach felt like warm chocolate.

To Brian, life without his skateboard is no life at all. He found a skate park in downtown Seward, and spent most of his vacation there. Money well spent..

Where the brothas are oh-so-fluffy! We're heading back to Seward from our cruise, where we saw the porpoises, a few small whales, a couple of otters, several puffins, lots of seals, and glaciers.
A Norwegian tourist asked me what kind of animal the otter was, then "why odder and not like, seal?" I told her they were furrier, and they floated on their backs.

Wearing Daddy's hat, while he's inside the boat tending to Uncle Butch. Poor Daddy. He didn't get to see much, I was too thoughtless to consider taking over the babysitting duties so he could see stuff..

Pics from Alaska part II
Random and Artsy pics
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