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Alan Cumming

I love Alan Cumming. I love to gaze dreamily at his face on the big screen, I like the oval features of his body, his pointy nose, his gentle Scottish brogue, his quirky taste in clothing, lifestyle, and scripts; I have yet to not enjoy anything he's been in. I love Alan Cumming!

Meeting him would be something different, but it's nice to know that my fantasy man is based on a real person.

He's so adorable it's freaky.

Here are some wavs from his hosting Saturday Night Live:
alansnl1.wav - 265kb
alansnl2.wav - 85.4kb
alansnl3.wav - 1.26Mb
alansnl4.wav - 140kb
Alan singing Floop's Song from "Spy Kids". Silly lyrics..
floop.wav - 1.15Mb

Here's my Alan Index But fans have probably seen all the pictures already.

Been to