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Some new, some.. not quite so new.. Some have larger versions and some don't, you'll just hafta mouseover to see, cuz I don't like that lame link border! I'm giving you a workout.

Find the Squirrel!

Find the hairless monkies

In matters of photography, I have a weakness for carved stone and interesting wood formations. And roses. You know how everything suddenly seems photo-worthy when you have film in your camera, and you wonder afterwards why you took all those lame pictures? yah.

The Everett art center had a display of art made of trash. This groovy dancing guy is made from bits of old furniture. Too bad the light was coming from behind *sigh*

Look, it's a meteorite, no, it's a TRAIN FALLING FROM THE SKY! I think this was my half-second-to-last shot. Or I just didn't crank it all the way in my enthusiasm, like an idgit.

A waterfall somewhere in Oregon. Forget the name. At this period I was very finicky with the aperature.

Lil bro breakin' the law, and my other bro's friend Jason.

Gimme 400 film and a cloudy day, I can do no wrong.

Obligatory sunset shot. But isn't it *cool*?

Mi Familia, excluding Zachary, Desiree, and Karena.

Mihailo, looking stoned. Must be naptime.

Pics from Alaska part I
Pics from Alaska part II
More random artsy pics