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'How to be a GhostBuster, for dummies' Vol.1

Page 1-GhostBusting World

Welcome to the GhostBusting World!

Problems busting ghosts? We'll you bought the correct book!

You'll soon be an GhostBusting expert and bustin' will make you fell good!

Problems whit the trap? One of your teams members dies because he looks at the trap? Problems whit the proton pack maybe, it explodes like a volcano? Maybe you are just simply bad ghostbusting and you are always full of slime! Ok enough chatting. To the next page!

Page 2- Equipment

First of all you need the basic equipment:

1 Proton pack

1 Trap

2 Team Memebers.

And if you want the advanced equipment:

A PKE meter(optional)

Slime Blower

Ecto Googles

After that you're ready to start ghostbusting!

Page 3- The Car.

You need a car to be a ghostbuster!

Just buy a cheap one, add some "No-Ghost" strickers to it and that's it!

Page 4- You get the call!?

You got the call? A ghost in a house, hotel, etc?Ok! Hop in your Ecto-1 and let's kick some ghost butt! In spiritual sense.Don't foget your Trap and Proton Pack!. Now turn on your car sirens and let's go!

Page 5- Seraching for ghosts

You arrived at the scene of crime? Wellturn on your PKE meter(if you have one) and start seraching for that ghost!

If you don't have a PKE meter...whoa!Youre in a big problem!Make one!

Page 6- Bustin' makes me fell good!

Time for the action! You found the ghost?Well here are the basic steps on how to catch it:

1)Don't be nervous, act like if he was a normal person.

2)Shoot a Proton ray.

3) If the ghost dosen't get caught on the Proton ray then put the proton pack in 2 more power. If it still dosen't get caught, then use the max dose of power!

4)Throw the trap on the floor.

5)When the ghost is very near the trap...

6)...Open the trap!

7) Don't look at the trap!!!

8)That's it!

Congratulations!You catched that ghost!

Page 7- 30 foot Marshmellow mans.

How can I describe of the most hard ghostbusters mission. Busting' a 30 foot marshmellow man. Good luck on this one:

1)Try to toast him using your proton pack.

2) Dosen't works? Try to cross the streams, you need atleast 2 more team members for this. And it's very dangerous.

3) If the above method dosen't works...well where did that marshmellow man came from? A portal, buiding? Try to destroy the place from where it did come crossing the streams.

That's all! That was hard, wasn't it?

Page 8- Controlling the Statue Of Liberty.

It isn't hard as it looks.

1) You must have a slime blower for this.

2)You also need a Nintendo controller.

3)Samples of positive slime.

4)A walkman whit some good cool and happy music and some big and super huge speakers.

That's all! Good luck.

Page 9- CopyRight.

Thank's for buyng "How to be a GhostBuster, for dummies" hope you enjoyed this book.

This book is copyright of GhostBustersIV 2003, GhostBusters is Copyright of Dan Aykroyd


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