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Use the arrow keys to maneuver your ship, and use the space bar to fire. If you collide with an enemy ship, your shield loses strength, and you get no points. If your shields lose all strength, you lose a life. If you lose all of your lives, it's game over. :) Have fun, and expect fixes to the minor bugs of enemies randomly disappearing and maximum amount of lasers decreasing over time.... and finally: expect even more levels, and different enemies! ^^ Enjoy!...Right Click, Save Target As to directly save the game to your hard drive.

Oh, and this game is best viewed at 800X600 resolution, with your highest color settings of course! :D and speakers (that work) totally enhance the overall experience! To make some of the text in the game, as well as on this screen appear correctly, please download the following ZIP package of fonts and install them on your system, they're all very good, and virus-free! :D The Fonts (Download Winzip to Open and Extract Them) If you have questions about the sounds and images, I will make a credits screen for the ending of the game... but just FYI, it is perfectly legal, since I am not charging a fee to play this game, nor am I making it for commercial use... it's simply a free game to help promote fun, and just how great Star Wars actually is. :D May the force be with you!

Created by Joseph Orellano, 2003. All images, sounds, and concept pertaining to Star Wars, © Copyright by George Lucas, LucasArts, and their respective owners. Everything else, if not mentioned in the credits (that will exist at some point and time), created by me. :)