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Like, hi there and welcome to my groovy webpage. I hope you dig it as much as I do.


Ok, here's the scoop. Like, I am Hermes, babe, the swinging Messenger God from Mount Olympus. Although my duties include delivering messages and flowers, I am also an oh-so-happening keyboard player and songwriter! Isn't that too nutty? Anyways, this is a groovy little site I just happened to whip together to show you mortals, and immortals I know you are out there, a chance to get to know the very under-rated, yet outstanding character from the Disney movie Hercules! I tried to make this site as swinging as possible and I do hope you dig it. If you don't, well, that can't be helped, but just be kind. If you got any questions or comments I'd dig hearing from you as this little messenger loves to get letters! I also answer all my mail, so don't worry. I also hid a little secret on here as well for you to search for. So, like, sit back, relax, and scope my scene and most of all, have fun.


OH! Ah, like, this page is totally safe for all ages to scope out too! My page is rated "G" and like the G is for groovy, babe!

What's new, pussycat?


UGH! Like, someone get this guy a breath-mint!


Hit it Ladies!

Like, you are number:

visiting this oh-so-happening page since August 2, 1997!!! Cool, man!!


Ah, I'm a little tied up at the moment. Don't worry, it's nothing I can't handle.


Hot stuff comin' through! One side, Ares!


I had Orpheus do the arrangement.Isn't that too nutty?


GODS! I hate being called Mercury!


Don't worry, daddy-o, like, that secret's hidden pretty good.



Can't get enough of a good thing? Are you swooning over me like the gorgeous Megara is? Well, fly on over to the second half of my page and see more, you dig?
HermesBabe's Home Page 2

Legal Restriction:

Yeah, like, "Hercules" characters and images are Copyright of Walt Disney Company All Rights Reserved, and they are used without permission for no comercial purpose, you dig? The maintainer of this page is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Walt Disney Company. It is not the intention of the maintainer to extract profit from this page or to infringe upon its copyright. Gods have no use for money anyways, so, like, what's the point? Users of the world wide web are asked not to misuse this page. If you do, I am sure Hades would love to borrow your soul for some fun filled torture. This is non-commercial site. Isn't that too nutty?


Oh yeah, like, please do NOT take any of my pictures or stuff off my site to use on your own page without asking me first!! Like, I have worked my little blue behind off in obtaining these pictures with my own devices. So, please be cool to this cat and respect his site and images, you dig? Thank you for understanding.

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