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Saturday, March 8, 2025

All Star Equine - Show Biz Horses
On location & On the set

Red Ryder serial Horses

Lane sitting on rock and Black Jack
Rocky Lane and Black Jack
Lane, Blake, on horses in Red Ryder serial
Rocky Lane as the Red Ryder and Bobby Blake as the Little Beaver riding the pinto named Papoose
Black Jack and Lane
Black Jack and Rocky Lane
Allan "Rocky" Lane and Black Jack were in many western shows. Allan was the voice of Mister Ed the talking horse TV series.The original horse of the Red Ryder series was named Thunder. When the next generation of actors were changed Black Jack was the horse. Robert Blake (a former Little Rascals kid and later star of the Baretta TV series also was cast as Little Beaver on Red Ryder and his horse's name was Papoose.

Fido in Shanghai Noon Movie

Fido hitched to funeral carriage Claude Chausse was the horse trainer and John Scott, head wrangler for the film. Two similar looking brown / white pinto quarter horses were used in different scenes. Fido acts like a dog. Fido sits, drinks from a bottle and kisses faces. Fido sitting down in front of salloon

Smoky and Fess Parker

Parker and Diamond Jet of Smoky

Diamond Jet posed as the horse
starred Fess Parker 1966 Smoky movie.
The novel "Smoky, the Cowhorse"
by Will James, one of several movie
adaptations of the beloved horse story.
There are 2 other versions of the story with other horses playing the parts released in 1933 and 1946.

book cover Peter Lundy and the medicine hat stallion Domingo,
The Medicine Hat Stallion
with Leif Garrett
Marguerite Henry wrote the story Peter Lundy and the Medicine Hat Stallion that also became a movie. A view of a Pony Express rider and the special horse. Native American history tells that the medicine hat paint horses are believed to have special powers. more
Garrett and Medicine hat stallion

Ski was a specially trained stunt horse
for rearing scenes

Ski the stunt horse rearing, stunt rider Martha Crawford
Close up of Martha Crawford and Ski doing his rear.
Interrupted Melody movie scene Ski the horse and Martha Crawford
Martha Crawford doubled for Eleanor Parker in the movie fire scene shown.

Date: January 2002
Comments and Info & Photo of Ski the stunt horse from:
Martha Crawford (Cantarini)
Note: Martha Crawford-Cantarini worked in many films as a stunt double

Ski (barn name) that came from Fat Jones stables that was used for rearing only. I have a still picture (shown above) from MGM that was in Life Magazine of Ski being reared into a fire scene for academy award nominee "Interrupted Melody" with Eleanor Parker and Glen Ford (true story). This was an opera sequence from the real life story of met star Marjorie Lawrence. We rehearsed this scene for 3 weeks with the special effects. I was told it was the most expensive indoor scene to that time ie $50,000. We filmed it in 1954. Dick Webb was the ramrod wrangler on the film at MGM. Ski was a remarkable horse and so deserving of some acknowledgement. In this one I reared him by touching him on the crest of his neck. I also used this horse to rear in a buggy (doubling Shirley MacLaine - "Sheepman" and it was done by the reins. In the "Track of the Cat" (Robert Mitchum) he was reared loose in a corral by the noise from an air hose. Extraordinary horse.

I also have a remarkable picture (one in a million) of Jim (my own horse) making a jump that went wrong as projected in publicity shots for The Big Country in which I doubled both Jean Simmons and Carol Baker. He was used primarily in jumping scenes. He did the free jumping scenes (out of a corral, etc) for Flicka TV. I doubled the mother in that series. He was also used by Donna Hall doubling Debbie Reynolds in the Mating Game they jumped a fence with a moving car in front of it. Stunt man Clint Sharp jumped him out of a (sugar glass) plate glass saloon window in the True Story of Jesse James at Fox.

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