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Lilo and Me

"Lilo & Stitch"

The Films of Hawaii

About the Filmmaking
A synopsis of how "Lilo & Stitch" was created, from inception to final product. Also, a summary of the new sequel and TV show versions.

Featured Cast and Crew
A list of the major players involved with "Lilo & Stitch": the producers, crew, and cast. You can find short bios on each, with links to their resumes.

The Islands of Aloha
The historical rundown of Hawaii's past, including notes on the past Monarchy, controversial annexation, and statehood.

Other Films of Hawaii
An ever-evolving list of other films, featuring Hawaiians or Hawaiian culture. Not just limited to the movies FILMED in Hawaii, but those, like "Lilo & Stitch", that showcase the culture and lifestyle of the Islands (for better or worse).

My Professional Side
Featuring more info on me, and a look into what I've done so far in my short "career".

Links of Interest
A list of a few of my favorite places on the Web. Topics include: Entertainment news/information pages, Hawaiian culture sites, plus other fun/kooky places to waste your time online.