The New Adventures of Tarzan

Burroughs-Tarzan Pictures
15-Chapter Serial, 1935
3-Disc Set

Herman Brix, Ula Holt, Frank Baker, Dale Walsh, Harry Ernest, Don Castello, Lew Sargent, Merrill McCormick, Jackie Gentry, Earl Dwire, Tony Gentry
Directed by:
Edward Kull
Screenplay by:
Edwin H. Blum, Ben S. Cohen, Basil Dickey, Chas. F. Royal
FIRST TIME ON DVD! The COMPLETE 15-Chapter Serial with the COMPLETE Chapter One. When this serial was first released, Chapter One timed in at about 65 minutes in length--the longest in serial history. Later, this chapter was edited down to about 40-45 minutes in length. It is this shorter version of Chapter One which is presented on other companies dvd's. Never before on dvd has the complete 65 minute first chapter been available--until now! For completists, we present BOTH Chapter One's on our dvd.

Most of this serial was filmed in Guatemala and on the ocean voyage to and from this location. Additional scenes were shot in a studio in Los Angeles and at the old Selig Zoo. The official Press Book of the serial contains the original synopsis. However, partway through filming the first episode, the storyline was completely rewritten.

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