Tarzan and the Lost Empire

Here is Tarzan penetrating a strange land in Africa from which no traveler has ever returned. Natives have told of hills that rise out of a huge void where the great plateau ceases. They have told of white men in armour who have emerged from the abyss to carry off natives into slavery. The roar of life rumbles upward through the canyon like distant thunder. It is toward this land that Erich von Harben, archaeologist, ventures with a party of natives. The natives come back inarticulate with horror, but there is no trace of Von Harben. Then Tarzan sets out alone to hunt for him, moving silently into the jungle. He goes to penetrate the mystery of the Lost Empire, and finds himself fighting for life amid the love, war and intrigue of a forgotten Roman Province.

Hardcover w/dj
Trade Paperback

Hardcover w/cw

FIRST EDITION TEXT (Uncensored, unedited)

Hardcover with dust jacket:
6 x 9 inch
252 pages
ISBN 978-1987072877

Hardcover with casewrap:
6 x 9 inch
258 pages
ISBN 978-1987072891

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
226 pages

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