Robert Leslie Bellem (1902-1968) was a prolific American pulp magazine writer, best known for his creation of Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective. Before becoming a writer he worked in Los Angeles as a newspaper reporter, radio announcer and film extra. After the demise of the pulps, Bellem switched to writing for television, including a number of scripts for The Lone Ranger, The Adventures of Superman, Perry Mason, 77 Sunset Strip, and other shows. Bellem wrote in a variety of genres for many pulp magazines, particularly those owned by Culture Publications such as Spicy Detective, Spicy Adventure, Spicy Western and Spicy Mystery. Bellem's most famous creation was the hardboiled detective Dan Turner, whose stories were written in the first person in a racy, slangy style that made them extremely popular. Set against the background of the Hollywood film industry (of which Bellem had personal knowledge), the Dan Turner stories appeared first in the pages of Spicy Detective (subsequently retitled Speed Detective) and later in his "own" magazine, Hollywood Detective, which ran from January 1942 to October 1950. It is claimed that Bellem produced some 3000 short stories in a pulp magazine career lasting less than 30 years.He also wrote under a variety of pen names such as Jerome Severs Perry, Ellery Watson Calder, John A. Saxon, Harley L. Court, Anthony Gordon, and others. |
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A three volume look at the story writing of Robert Leslie Bellem, the creator and author of the Dan Turner stories, in his own words. |
Volume 1 - Deals with the early Spicy period from 1934 to 1941. Includes the first 4 stories published. Over 320 pages, containing 20 stories and 2 articles. |
Volume 2 - Deals with the middle period, a slightly less spicy period, when Dan Turner appeared in his own magazine, filled with his own stories. The 21 stories and 1 letter in this over 360 page book are from 1943. |
Volume 3 - Deals with the final period, from the end of 1943 to 1950. The stories now have less sexual content and more comedy. Over 350 pages, with 15 complete stories and a Dan Turner bibliography. |
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Volume 2 - The Middle Years
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Volume 3 - The Later Years
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Deja Vue! Have you ever encountered it? Probably! Well, when you read enough of the works of Robert Leslie Bellem, the creator of Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective, you will have that deja vue feeling--Bellem was not above rewriting his older, spicy stories, into tamer products. This collection brings together six pairs of stories, the first, usually spicy, version, and the rewritten version. Also included are the original illustrations for both versions of the story. Collected together are: | |
Spicy Detective Stories | Hollywood Detective |
Spicy Detective Stories | Dan Turner Hollywood Detective |
Spicy Detective Stories | Dan Turner Hollywood Detective |
Spicy Detective Stories | Hollywood Detective |
Spicy Detective Stories | Dan Turner Hollywood Detective |
Fantastic Adventures | Super Detective |
7.44 x 9.68 inch 232 pages $20.00 ISBN 978-1987072778 |
Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #1
Hardcover w/dust jacket:
Trade Paperback:
Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #2
Note: When I was assembling the above compilation, I had not planned on including Cat Act because I thought it was the same story which appeared in the first compilation. However, upon looking through it, I realized that Bellem rewrote the Spicy version into a tamer one, including a new cast of characters and new text (as well as new illustrations). However, the storyline is identical.
Hardcover w/dust jacket:
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #3
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #4
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #5
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #6
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #7
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #8
Coffin Frame
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #9
Beyond Justice
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #10
Dead Man's Head
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Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective #11
Murder By Proxy
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Prolific writer, Robert Leslie Bellem, was a mainstay in the adult oriented pulp magazine market for many years before the genre was tamed down for legal reasons. His most famous creation was Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective. SPICY ADVENTURE was one of the Culture Publications spicy pulps. Included in this facsimile magazine are the following stories:
The Bones of Pizarro
Pulp Sized Magazine: |
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![]() PULP TALES PRESENTS #7: THE ROBERT LESLIE BELLEM MAGAZINE Facsimile reprints of stories written by the creator of Dan Turner, Hollywood Detective.
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The Vice Czar Murders
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The Window with the Sleeping Nude
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Half-Past Mortem
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Limited Liability
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Blue Murder
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No Modest Mayhem
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Killer's Ruse and Other Stories
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Knife in the Dark and Other Stories
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DOCTOR OF LESBOS JO CARLIN was beginning to feel a new kind of longing ... but not for her husband or any other man. DR. JOAN BRENT specialized in the treatment of neurotic women ... and for Jo's ailment she prescribed a forbidden remedy! AL CARLIN was still young, handsome, strong. What was he supposed to do if his wife tried to ration his love-making? COLLEEN BRENSTON was the desirable, lonely widow of Al's best friend. Sooner or later she and Al were bound to work out their emotional problems ... together! MICHAEL CRIDLUND was ruthless with women. He taught Jo that she really did enjoy normal physical desires after all-but was there still enough time to rescue her marriage?
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THE SEX LADDER FREE LOVE! FREE LIQUOR! FREE LUST! That's what modern girls go in for, as far as Janie could tell. She went and did likewise — living and loving like crazy in order to get herself and her friends ahead. At the same time, she deeply relished the kicks and thrills. What could be more heavenly than to be in the arms of feverishly excited men? It was just a matter of helping them — if they would help her . . . A NOVEL THAT ANSWERS EVERY QUESTION THE UNMARRIED GIRL ASKS HERSELF — AND SOME QUESTIONS HER FUTURE HUSBAND WILL ASK!
Hardcover w/dust jacket:
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