JUST because a region is totally inaccessible to the outside world, it does not necessarily follow that the inhabitants (granted that the place is inhabited) are living in a totally savage state, absolutely devoid of the many conveniences and inventions of modern civilization. Tribes of progressive peoples have vanished-apparently from the face of the earth. What has happened to them? Where have they gone? Any number of answers might not only be possible-but might actually be true. It is hardly likely that a progressive people, no matter where, would degenerate to a savage state.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
270 pages
ISBN 978-1987076820


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MUCH has been attributed to the possibilities to be found in the so-called Lost Island, Atlantis. Capt. Meek has more than hinted at some of these possible wonders in his "The Drums of Tapajos," but in this sequel, which comes as a direct compliance with the numerous demands for it, this favorite author gives us ideas and theories galore, weaving all into a plausible science fiction narrative of rare merit.

Trade Paperback:
6 x 9 inch
218 pages
ISBN 978-1987076844


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