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Miroku's AMVs
Room One

Here is my hideaway from Inuyasha when he's having a bad day, but then again he's always that way. This is where I store the AMVs I have made. So why not take a seat, grab a beverage, and enjoy the shows!

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Turn off the midi before viewing the clips.
Or if background music anoys the heck out of you.

SONG: Hey Mickey by The Go Go's
DESCRIPTION: It's a little ditty like it's told thru Kagome's eyes.
DEFALTS: The song got cut off when I downloaded it so the ending is kinda scrappy.

SONG: Sweet Dreams by Eurithmics
DESCRIPTION: The bonds between Inuyasha and Kikyo...Goes terribly wrong! Also this is where my ending title made it's debute!
DEFALTS: Besides Kikyo it's blurry and has alot of reapeated clips due to the long song.

SONG: Boom Boom Boom by The Venga Boys
DESCRIPTION: I think the song goes well with them in my opinion. This one was basically a made out of sheer bordom AMV.
DEFALTS: Again with a lot of repeated clips. Especially with the "in my room" parts.

SONG: Enola Gay by Sash!(originally done by OMD)
DESCRIPTION: This was the first one I made and I'm impressed by the outcome and how things fit together.
DEFALTS: Only the ending clip I didn't know it kept going after his goggles shined.

SONG: Still Waiting by Sum 41
DESCRIPTION: This one explains that violence won't solve anything and that you loose loved ones to it.
DEFALTS: I repeated a clip twice in a row but it kinda add caracter in my op.

SONG: The Hampster Dance
DESCRIPTION: A quick one I threw together the other night with clips from ther anime series Fruits Basket
DEFALTS: I finally figured out that I'm a clip repeater ^^;

SONG: Happy by Sita
DESCRIPTION: Haru can be happy but not when he's Black Haru
DEFALTS: Tons of repeating clips.

SONG: Habibi by Sash!
DESCRIPTION: I made a clip before this one and repeated Kouji clips
over and over in a row and I got the idea to make a AMV of him just boogying!

SONG: Bonkers TV Theme
DESCRIPTION: Kyou is truly bonkers!(thanks tiffany for the song)

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