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Description: Some rough clips. These cut animations help me block in the timing of the overall scene.

Animation Log

2005 1 19

This animation is progressing steadily. Now that the modeling and set-up of the characters are far underway, I have been able to start focusing more on character animation.

2005 1 8

This past two weeks I've been focusing on shot numbers 70 to 78, in which Linna (one of the good characters) destroys a bad robot and sends its body tumbling down the highway. I wanted to get to this scene ASAP because (A) its the first big payoff in the animation for the audience, and (B) I was originally worried about whether or not I would be able to pull it off. However, I'm happy to report that its been smooth sailing so far.

One big help for this scene has been the animation rig that I set up for my vehicles. I've gained a lot more control over the animation of the cars by placing nulls (motion targets) in each wheel and having them control the position and movements of the body of the vehicle. Now I'm all set for ramping and flipping over vehicles in 3D...

I also modeled the feet and right hand of Linna's hard suit. (You can see the incorrect version of her suit in old stills)