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Dynamic Driven Smartskins

Set-up Time: about 30 minutes


Automatically animate a model's secondary animations via dynamics-controlled smartskins.

1. Automatic, semi-realistic animation of Hair, Body Fat, & Cloth.
2. Faster user interface & calculation times over pure Cloth Simulation.
3. Smaller spring system file sizes.
4. Avoidance of patch penatration in cloth.

1. Time spent modeling each smartskin.
2. Increased model file size due to cp movement embedded in smartskins.


Create a bone, which I will call SMART BONE, parallel to it's Parent Bone (Like the Head, or Abdomen).

Do not assign any CPs to this SMART BONE. Create a new smartskin for it at X rotations of 45 degrees and/or at 90 degrees, and then Y rotations at 45 degrees and/or 90 degrees. (You can actually pick any interval of degrees, but I find these to be good averages) (For Z rotations, such as twisting, I use a separate, perpendicular smart bone) Model the CPs at each interval to define the movements in each of the 4 Directions: Left, Right, Forward, & Backward. Using distortion boxes can save a lot of time on this.

Next make a line (3 CPs long) positioned near the base of the Parent Bone (and parallel to the Parent). Then make another CP near the top of the line, but connected to the middle CP. We will call this the TEST STRAND, (and after you have modeled it once, later you can simply copy & paste it for any other bone you want to add dynamic smartskins to).

Assign ALL of the TEST STRAND cps to the Parent Bone. Next select the Bottom 2 CPs and make a group for the Cloth Wizard later. (The top CPs will anchor the bottom 2 CPs during cloth simulation.)

Make an action which moves the bone you are working on. Drop this action into your character model in the choreography.

Hide any geometry that might collide with the TEST STRAND while running the cloth simulation. (I always make sure that the geometry of all the models in a project are UNLOCKED before running a cloth simulation in order to avoid potential crashes) Select the muscles mode button, and the TEST STRAND model, and then Control click the group we made in the previous step and select CLOTH WIZARD. Set the Cloth Drag to 0.

Simulate the cloth spring system in the choreography.

Constrain the SMART BONE to the Spring Mass 3 to Mass 2. (with the BONE TO SPRING constraint). If the SMART BONE flops when the constraint is applied, simply REVERSE the direction of the bone in the constraint properties. Next, set the model's choreography action to "ADD" instead of "REPLACE". Now you're finished!

If you update your action, you will have to delete the spline keys from your model shortcut in the choreography, and delete the spring system, and create the cloth wizard again. (For some reason, the cloth group masses that are not anchored try to follow the old bone positions in v10.5n)

Smartskin doesn't register in the choreography? Try changing the Model's choreography action blend method to a different type, and then back to "ADD" again.