Chords Of Fame- A Phil Ochs Page
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Greetings from England- and welcome to 'CHORDS OF FAME'- a page devoted to one of the most under-rated singer/songwriters of the 20th Century.....Phil Ochs.
This is basically my attempt to pull together the known things about Phil's non-commercially available music and to help those who need more information.
If you feel you have information to add, shows I don't have to trade, or just want to express an opinion, please E-Mail me at gorleston1976@gmail.com
This page was born on 22nd March 2002, and last updated 19th March 2024.
The picture of the man himself was gleaned from
which has several other pictures of Phil.
Where to start. Well, for those of you who don't know, Phil Ochs wrote 'There But For Fortune', a classic Folk song, recorded several albums (with much of the material being original), and lived between 1940 and April 9th, 1976. Highly interesting as a performer, he is indelibly linked with politics and being a 'Richard Nixon hater'. For me, Phil's at his best when rockin' through his hits (cf. 'Tape From California') and at his worst when offering lengthy comments about Nixon in the middle of a great concert.
Phil's official recording career can be mapped out by the releases themselves (of these, more later on). However, one of the most awkward things about being a fan of Phil's music are the unofficial recordings ('bootlegs' for those who prefer the crude term). Highly rewarding (sometimes more so than the commercial material!), these items can prove tricky to identify.Therefore, here is a list of the concerts I have with set list and full venue info. Because of its very essence, this is a work in progress. Any comments/ corrections will be most welcome- as would (of course!) any 'new' Phil recordings to those listed below.
* The Campers- ‘Camp Favourites' (26:20)
(featuring Phil Ochs, with
Dick Weissman on banjo)
1. The Welcome Song
2. We'll Build A Bungalow
3. Polly Wolly Doodle
4. Gee Mom
5. Patsy Ony Dry Ate
6. Cannibal King
7. Hambone
8. Friends, Friends, Friends
9. I've Got Sixpence
10. A Thousand Years Ago
11. Adam And Eve
12. Hand Me Down My Walkin' Cane
COMMENTS- Very clear, from vinyl.
* Live at Swarthmore, (35:00)
1. Power And Glory
2. Ballad of William Worthy
3. The Big Parade
4. There But For Fortune
5. Talking Vietnam Blues
6. The Bells
7. Aeroplane Song
8. Links On The Chain
COMMENTS- Rather faint soundboard recording, rather hissy, but perfectly acceptable for this vintage.
* Live songs
1. What's That I Hear?
2. Another Country
3. Billie Sol
4. I'm Gonna Do What I Have To Do
5. Celia
6. Draft Dodger Rag
7. Automation Song
8. Ballad Of Paul Crump
9. Talkin' Cuban Missile Crisis
COMMENTS- 'Electra recording artist Phil Ochs...bring him on...Phil Ochs' announces the compere. Phil seems nervous, and launches into the opening number with only a quick introduction. A bit muffled, not too bad. I think it suffers from being put through a dodgy sound-card. A shame, as there's some super material here, like the beautiful 'Celia'. Held on same CD as Gaslight.
* Live at the Gaslight Cafe, New York City, 3rd June, 1964
1. Power And Glory
2. Good & Drunk & Doozy/ Fly Away
3. The Thresher
4. Old Concepts Never Die
5. Hands
6. Lou Marsh
7. Firehouse 35
8. The Hills Of West Virginia
9. The Highwayman
COMMENTS- Energetic performance, very good quality, but (again) suffers from the 'cheapo-sound-card' problem!
* Live at Gammon Theological Center, Old Campus, Atlanta, Georgia, 7th May, 1964
1. Talking Birmingham Jam/
I'm Gonna Do What I Have To Do/
Links On The Chain
(stored on Atlanta 18/7/73 disc)
* WBAI Radio Session, 1965
1. Introduction
2. Song Of My Returning
3. Chat
4. White Boots Marching In A
Yellow Land
5. Chat
6. Changes
7. Chat
8. Crucifixion
9. Chat
10. Canons Of Christianity
11. Joe Hill
12. City Boy
13. Friendship Song
14. Power And Glory
15. Chat
16. Morning
17. Morning (reprise)
COMMENTS- Amazingly lovely clear quality recording opens with chords then Phil saying 'well.......I was over there in England...' before enthusing over W. B. Yeats. A bit like a 'Storytellers' as Phil tells about the inspiration for each song. Beautiful performances, particularly of 'Song Of My Returning' and 'Morning'.
* New York Folk Show, Carnegie Hall, 19th June, 1965
1. Intro.
2. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
3. Love Me, I'm A Liberal
4. Here's To The State Of Mississippi (cut)
COMMENTS- 'You know...it takes more than a hammer...' the compere begins, before going on to ask the crowd 'who is it?' and they answer 'Phil Ochs!' in unison. Phil comes on gently singing 'Mr. Tambourine Man' before launching into his own material. Decent quality, but from an MP3 source, sadly.
* Rutgers University, 22/5/66
1. I'm Gonna Say It Now
2. Cross My Heart
3. Changes
4. The Party
5. Flower Lady
COMMENTS- Excellent soundboard recording opens with
Phil saying he'll do a song 'about Berkeley, California, where I just visited- where all the communists hang out on the West Coast...'. Strong vocals and Phil seems in relaxed mood.
* Bonus tracks (after my copy of the above Rutgers show)
Pleasures of The Harbour
There But For Fortune
Cops Of The World
Doesn't Lenny Live Here Anymore?
COMMENTS- Slightly muffled and with top end distortion. Opens with Phil dedicating 'Pleasures Of The Harbour' to Lenny Bruce.
* 'The World Of Folk Music' (no. 223, 1965)
- Oscar Brand's show features Phil as a guest. Roy Swift and Wallace Kendall pop along later to impart Social Security info.
COMMENTS- Great quality.
* Live at the Salle Claude Champagne, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 22nd October 1966
1. Cross My Heart
2. Song Of My Returning
3. The Bells
4. Flower Lady
5. Miranda
6. Joe Hill
7. I'm Gonna Say It Now
8. Pleasures Of The Harbour
9. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
10. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
11. I've Had Her
12. There But For Fortune
13. Cops Of The World
14. The Crucifixion
15. Is There Anybody Here?
16. Changes
17. The Party
18. Doesn't Lenny Live Here Any More?
19. Power And Glory
COMMENTS- Soundboard recording and a reasonably energetic performance. Nice to hear a full concert and not a section from it.
* Ash Grove, Los Angeles, CA, 2nd July 1967
1. There But for Fortune
2. Maintaining Law and Order
3. The Draft Dodgers Rag
4. Miranda
5. Pleasures of the Harbour
6. Tape From California/The War Is Over [these two songs were hummed... maybe Phil didn't write the words at the time]
7. I Ain't Marching Anymore
8. Cross My Heart
COMMENTS- I now DO have this show!
* Broadside Interview, New York, 1968
* Live at the Burg Waldeck Festival, Dorweiler, Germany, June 12 to 17, 1968
Disc One
1. Cops of the World
2. Flower Lady
3. Outside Of A Small Circle of Friends
4. Changes
5. The War Is Over
6. I Ain't Marching Anymore
7. Power and Glory
8. German talk/ Cross My Heart
9. Rhythm of Revolution
10. I Ain't Marching Anymore
11. Joe Hill
12. Draft Dodger's Rag
13. White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land
14. I'm Gonna Say It Now
15. The Crucifixion
16. ???
Disc Two
1. There But For Fortune
2. Is There Anybody Here?
3. The Highwayman
(From here to the end is a total repeat of disc one!)
4. Cops of the World
5. Flower Lady
6. Outside Of A Small Circle of Friends
7. Changes
8. The War Is Over
9. I Ain't Marching Anymore
10. Power and Glory
COMMENTS- Excellent clear sound- a soundboard recording!
Great banter by Phil before 'Changes' to a noisy audience.
In my view, disc one tracks 8-16 are from an earlier performance.
As he introduces track 6, Phil says he played it the previous day.
I think it likely that track 10 is that previous performance.
Some flaws on master discs, particularly towards the end of disc one.
* Live in Vancouver, Canada, 15th March, 1969
* Live at the Troubadour, West Hollywood, California, 1st February, 1970
1. I'm Going To Say It Now
2. Mona Lisa
3. Pleasures Of The Harbor
4. I Ain't Marching Anymore
5. Okie From Muskogee
6. Basket In The Pool
7. Jim Dean Of Indiana
8. Chords Of Fame
9. Buddy Holly Medley
10. Changes
11. There But For Fortune
12. Pretty Smart On My Part
13. The Bells
14. Danny Boy
15. Gas Station Women
16. Crucifixion
17. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
18. I've Had Her
19. My Kingdom For A Car
20. Elvis Medley
21. A Fool Such As I
22. No More Songs
23. The Ringing Of Revolution
* ‘Gunfight At Midnight': Live at Carnegie Hall, NYC, 27th March, 1970 (late show)
Quintessential later-period Phil show, including numerous references to the gold lame suit. Lots of the usual in-between-song chatter and the odd duff note but an unusual and energetic performance, a triumph considering the misfortune of the early show.
Disc One
1. The Bells
2. Dialogue: Cut hand
3. Mona Lisa
4. Pleasures Of The Harbour
5. Dialogue: Bomb scare
6. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
7. Dialogue: Merle Haggard
8. Okie From Muskogee
9. Dialogue: The party
10. Basket In The Pool
11. Dialogue: James Dean
12. Jim Dean of Indiana
13. Dialogue: Johnny Cash
14. Chords of Fame
15. Dialogue: Buddy Holly
16. Buddy Holly medley
17. I'm Gonna Say It Now
18. Dialogue: Unpopular outlaw band
19. Tape From California
Disc Two
1. Dialogue: Che
2. Gas Station Woman
3. Dialogue: Former Protest Singer
4. Danny Boy
5. Crucifixion
6. Outside Of A Small Circle of Friends
7. Boy From Ohio
8. Dialogue: Hymn to the automobile
9. My Kingdom For A Car
10. Dialogue: Elvis
11. Elvis Presley medley
12. Dialogue: We Want Power
13. A Fool Such As I
14. Outside Of A Small Circle of Friends
15. School Days
16. One Way Ticket Home
17. Dialogue: The last song on my last album
18. No More Songs (with Jim Glover)
*Live in Westbury, New Jersey, 1970
1. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
2. Changes
3. Miranda
4. The Crucifixion
5. The War Is Over
6. Jim Dean Of Indiana
7. Phil talks
8. Chords Of Fame
9. No More Songs
COMMENTS- Possibly a tad fast, and suffers from slight high end distortion.
* Live at the Westbury Music Fair, New Jersey, 25th April, 1970 (late show)
1. The Bells
2. Pleasures of the Harbor
3. I Ain't Marching Anymore
4. Boy in Ohio
5. Okie from Muskogee
6. Pretty Smart on My Part
7. Joe Hill
8. I'm Going to Say It Now
9. Rehearsals for Retirement
10. Is There Anybody Here?
11. Rhythms of Revolution
* Live at Hunter College, NYC, New York, 17/4/71 (64:15)
1. The Bells
2. Power And The Glory
3. There But For Fortune
4. I'm Not Marching Anymore
5. Changes
6. The Crucifixion
7. Love Me, I'm A Liberal
8. Chords of Fame
9. Jim Dean Of Indiana
10. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
11. The Highwayman
12. The War Is Over
13. The Rhythm Of Revolution
14. I'm Gonna Say It Now
15. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
COMMENTS- Beautiful audience recording, with Phil in playfully brilliant mood.
Scarce gig, with the most miniscule of clicks between the tracks.
* Live at Colden Auditorium, Queens College, Flushing, New York, 24/11/71
I just found this show. Sound quality leaves a bit to be desired, but I'll update details soon!
* 'Chords Of Fame' duet with John Lennon, Ann Arbor Motel Room, December, 1971
COMMENTS- Historically fascinating, but only around 5 minutes long. is there a fuller version of this? I think there maybe is, but I haven't got it!
* Live at the Chrysler Arena, Detroit, December, 1971 (WABX Radio) (9:05)
1. I Ain't Marching Anymore
2. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
COMMENTS- OK quality.
* Live in Iowa, 27/10/72 (36:47)
1. I'm Gonna Say It Now
2. Home Of Revolution
3. Is There Anybody Here?
4. Jim Dean Of Indiana
5. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
6. Joe Hill
7. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
8. Teen Angel/ When I'm Gone
COMMENTS- Slightly distant (and short) audience recording that finds Phil in good form.
Especially admirable is the way he responds to a heckler's joke by brilliantly singing a snatch from the Mark Dinning ballad 'Teen Angel'.
* Live at Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, 30th October, 1972
1. The Bells
2. White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land
3. I'm Gonna Say It Now
4. Rhythms of Revolution
5. Is There Anybody Here?
6. Boy In Ohio
7. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
8. Joe Hill [partial]
9. Here's To The State of Richard Nixon
10. When I'm Gone
* Live at the Free Music Store (WBAI broadcast), 21st April, 1973
1. Frankie And Johnny [Pat]
2. Casey Jones [Dave]
3. Flower Lady [Phil]
4. Fire Truck [Pat]
5. You Ain't So Such A Much [Dave]
6. Pretty Smart On My Part [Phil]
7. Ramblin' Hunchback [Pat w/ Dave]
8. The Legend Of The Dead Soldier [Dave]
9. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon [Phil]
10. The Pope [Pat w/ Dave]
11. Mamie's Blues [Dave]
12. Lucky Me [Pat]
13. Joe Hill [Phil]
14. Pastures Of Plenty [Dave]
15. Luang Prabang [Dave w/ Pat]
COMMENTS- With Dave Van Ronk and Patrick Sky.
Big thanks to Jason Xion Wang for providing the setlist information.
* Live at the Stables, East Lansing, Michigan, 26th May, 1973
Disc One (72:45)
1. The Bells
2. Flower Lady
3. I'm Gonna Say It Now
4. There But For Fortune
5. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
6. Joe Hill
7. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
8. Changes
9. Phil talks
10. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
11. The Highwayman
12. One Way Ticket Home
13. Santo Domingo
14. Chords Of Fame
15. A Boy In Ohio
16. Pretty Smart On My Part
17. The Crucifixion
18. Is There Anybody Here?
19. Phil talks
20. Power And Glory
Disc Two (10:19)
1. Pleasures Of The Harbour
2. The Party
COMMENTS- Excellent soundboard recording and an excellent performance.
* Live at the Great Southwest Music Hall, Atlanta, Georgia, 18th July, 1973 (early show)
1. The Bells
2. Flower Lady
3. I’m Gonna Say It Now
4. There But For Fortune
5. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
6. Joe Hill
7. I Ain’t Marching Anymore
8. Changes
9. Here’s To The State Of Richard Nixon
* Live at the Great Southeast Music Hall, Atlanta, Georgia, 18th July, 1973 (late show)
1. One Way Ticket Home
2. The Marines Have Landed On The Shores Of Santo Domingo
3. Chords Of Fame
4. The Scorpion Departs But Never Returns
5. Pretty Smart On My Part
6. The Crucifixion
7. Is There Anybody Here
8. The Highwayman
* Live at the Earl of Old Town, Chicago, 12th March, 1974
1. The Bells
2. Prison Medley
3. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
4. Changes (w/Jim Glover)
5. Power And Glory
6. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
7-8. How High's The Watergate, Mama? (opening cut)
COMMENTS- Largely excellent stereo recording, fine performance. Audible track markers.
* Amazing Grace Coffeehouse, Evanston, IL, 13th March 1974
1. The Bells
2. There But for Fortune/Give My Love to Rose/Sing Me Back Home/There But for Fortune
3. Outside Of A Small Circle of Friends
4. Changes [with Jim Glover]
5. The Power and the Glory [with Jim Glover]
6. Here's to the State of Richard Nixon
7. How High's the Watergate
COMMENTS- I now DO have this show!
* Live at the Quiet Knight, Chicago, Illinois, 17th March 1974 (version one)
1. Flower Lady
2. Is There Anybody Here?
3. That's The Way It's Gonna Be (with Bob Gibson)
4. No More Songs (with Jim Glover)
5. Ballad Of A Carpenter
6. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
7. Changes (with Jim Glover)
COMMENTS- Reasonably good quality recording, slightly muffled though. Great performance, especially the duets. See below for longer version.
* Live at the Quiet Knight, Chicago, Illinois, 17th March 1974 (version two)
1. Flower Lady
2. Is There Anybody Here?
3. That's The Way It's Gonna Be (with Bob Gibson)
4. No More Songs (with Jim Glover)
5. Ballad Of A Carpenter
6. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
7. Changes (with Jim Glover)
8. Power And Glory (with Jim Glover)
9. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
10. How High Is The Watergate, Mama?
11. When I'm Gone
COMMENTS- See above notes. Fuller version, better quality, but audible track transitions.
* Phil Ochs (& others)- Friends of Chile Benefit Concert - 9th May, 1974
Disc One (45:04)
1. Phil introduces Pete Seeger & Arlo Guthrie- Guantanamera
2. Pete Seeger- Estadio Chile
3. Pete Seeger & Arlo Guthrie- Oh Mary Don't You Weep
4. Dave Van Ronk- He Was A Friend of Mine
5. Dennis Hopper - Recitation
6. Arlo Guthrie- Try Me One More Time
7. Arlo Guthrie- Deportee
8. Arlo Guthrie- Presidential Rag
9. Mike Love & Dennis Wilson- California Girls
10. Melanie- Ring The Living Bell
11. Melanie- My Rainbow Race
Disc Two (44:29)
1. Arlo Guthrie- Victor Jara
2. Dennis Hopper- reads Allende's last speech
3. Arlo Guthrie & Bob Dylan- Deportee
4. Dennis Hopper reads a Pablo Neruda poem
5. Bob Dylan- North Country Blues
6. Bob Dylan & Dave Van Ronk- Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
7. Everyone- Blowin' In The Wind
8. Everyone- Change In The Weather
COMMENTS- Messy track transitions, but forgiveable given the wealth of 'folkies' captured
in this remarkable recording. Vocals come up mostly very clearly indeed.
* Live at Vassar College, New York, 10th December 1974 (Version One)
1. Cross My Heart
2. The Big Parade
3. Flower Lady
4. "'Scuse Me Phil, you have a telephone-call...."
5. I'm Gonna Say It Now
6. There But For Fortune
7. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
8. The Crucifixion
9. Changes
COMMENTS- This is the one where Phil gets a 'phone-call from his friend Ramsey after singing 'Flower Lady'. One of my favourite shows, for the clarity and 'less restricted' vocals. This is the less complete, but better quality version of Vassar.
* Live at Vassar College, New York, 10th December 1974 (Version Two)
1. Announcer
2. Cross My Heart
3. The Big Parade
4. Flower Lady
5. ‘Scuse Me Phil....'
6. I'm Gonna Say It Now
7. There But For Fortune
8. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
9. The Crucifixion
10. Changes
11. The Party
12. Pleasures Of The Harbour
13. Pretty Smart On My Part (cut)
* Live at Harvard (unknown date)
(rare stereo live track)
14. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon
* Live in Central Park, NYC, 11th May, 1975
1. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
2. There But For Fortune (duet with Joan Baez)
3. The War Is Over
COMMENTS- Great quality. 'I've got to apologise- I haven't got any voice left at all....' Phil confesses.
Interesting to hear the duet with Joan Baez. Phil seems in pretty good spirits here, which cuts a real contrast to the infamous Gerdes Folk City appearance two months later which would be his last paid gig.
* End of the War Celebration, Central Park, New York, 11th May, 1975
COMMENTS- sensational 3 disc set with not only Phil but Folkie luminaries like Joan Baez, Peter Yarrow, Richie Havens, Paul Simon and more. Just received.
* Chelsea Hotel, NYC 27th June, 1975 (no singing!) (30:35)
COMMENTS- Apparently recorded by Harry Smith, this features Phil rambling about political
matters and his alter ego Luke Train.
* GERDES FOLK CITY, 31st July 1975
1. Introduction
2. Song For Patty (Sammy Walker)
3. I Ain't Got No Home In This World Anymore (Sammy Walker)
4. Sonny Liston
5. Give My Love To Rose
6. There You Go
7. Phil talks
8. Chords Of Fame
9. Phil talks
10. Shoals Of Herring
11. Too Many Parties/ Whisperin' Pines/ Guess Things Happen That Way/ Big River/ Big Bill/ Batchelor Till I Die
12. The Outlaw
13. Sea Of Heartbreak
14. Eight More Miles To Louisville
15. Maybe Tomorrow/ I'm Just Here To Get My Baby Out Of Jail/ Sit Alone And Cry/ The Blue And The Grey
16. Jimmy Brown The Newsboy
17. Everyday
18. Boy In Ohio
19. Bwatue
20. Please Release Me/ Fraulein/ I'll Be Home Someday
21. Gas Station Woman
22. Crucifixion
COMMENTS- Well, what can I say? Phil's last paid gig, and it's a very mixed show. He sounds drunk and sleepy as the frequent changes of song show. An audience recording, the vocals come up well with some background atmosphere present too. Some unusual/ rare performances here, and the audience give Phil what encouragement they can in a polite sort of way. This show circulates amongst collectors in a shortened version and a longer version. As far as I am aware, this is the full concert which I personally restored. Personally, I like the versions of 'Sea Of Heartbreak' and 'Everyday' and wish they were longer. Less appealing is when Phil forgets the words to 'Chords Of Fame' for a moment, marking a stark contrast to the energetic electric performances of this song in his Carnegie Hall concerts from 1970.
* 'Night of the Empty Bottle', Folk City, New York, 19th October, 1975
COMMENTS- Just received. With Sammy Walker, Phil Ochs and Roger McGuinn.
* 'In Concert: Boston and New York' - Unknown date
1. I'm Gonna Say It Now
2. Welcome To California
3. Revolution
4. Is There Anybody Here
5. Canons Of Christianity
6. There But For Fortune
7. Cops Of The World
8. The Marines Have Landed On The Shores Of Santo Domingo
9. Changes
10. Love Me, I'm A Liberal
11. When I'm Gone
COMMENTS- Absolutely excellent quality, and a great performance too. It all sounds like the same show to me though! Phil describes 'Revolution' as 'a fictional song, a cinematic song', then goes on to vividly describe the situation for his audience....'all the people on the inside physically resemble Charles Laughton....'
* WMMR Radio Tribute to Phil 1976
1. When I'm Gone
2. Presenter
3. Is There Anybody Here? (live at the 19th Street Guitar Workshop, Philadelphia)
4. Changes
5. White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land
6. Presenter
7. Here's To The State Of Richard Nixon (live at the Main Point)
8. When I'm Gone (reprise)
COMMENTS- A fascinating, and emotional, tribute to Phil by an unknown presenter whose voice is clearly struggling with the emotional impact of Phil's death. Several songs played from 'tape' and a very nicely put together tribute soon after Phil's death.
* 'Demos and Unreleased' (on the 'Tribute' CD)
1. The Ballad Of William Worthy
2. Links On The Chain
3. Too Many Martyrs
4. Talking Birmingham Jam
5. Power And Glory
6. Draft Dodger's Rag
7. Do What I Have To Do
8. The Harder They Fall
COMMENTS- Excellent material, fine performances, great quality.
* 'Rare Demos'
1. Hands
2. Where There's A Will
3. The Ballad Of The Cuban Invasion
4. Freedom Riders
5. Davey Moore
6. We Seek No Other War
7. Monroe Town
8. Vietnam
9. The Ballad Of U.S. Steel
10. Birch Along
11. How Long
12. Never Again
13. Mornin'
14. Yukon Plane Crash
15. 50 Mile Hike
16. I'm Growing So Old
17. As I Walk Alone
18. When First Unto This Country
19. Talking Airplane Disaster
20. What Are You Fighting For?
21. Talking Vietnam Blues
22. Bullets Of Mexico
23. One Day In March
24. Canons Of Christianity
26. Shoals Of Herring
27. A Golden Ring
28. There But For Fortune
COMMENTS- Very good quality considering source, but sounds like this was (once more) mastered using a cheapo sound-card!
* Phil Ochs Memorial Concert, Felt Forum, New York, 28th May, 1976
COMMENTS- only just received!
* Song Night Radio Broadcast Philadelphia 31/3/96
Disc One
Disc Two
Phil Ochs Tribute/Song Night- The Bottom Line, NYC, 11/1/97
Disc One (21 tracks)
Disc Two (22 tracks)
* WFUU Radio Tribute, 8th April, 2001 (48:37)
1. Changes (Phil himself)
2. Joan Baez interview
3. There But For Fortune (Joan Baez)
4. Dave Van Ronk interview
5. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends (Dave Van Ronk)
6. Ron McDonald interview
7. Pleasures Of The Harbour (Ron McDonald)
8. Kim and Reggie Harris Interview
9. Too Many Martyrs (Kim and Reggie Harris)
10. Black 47 Interview
11. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore (Black 47)
12. Eric Anderson interview
13. When I'm Gone (Eric Anderson)
14. Tom Paxton interview
16. Josh Joplin interview
18. No More Songs (Phil himself)
19. Outtro.
COMMENTS- A super 'grab bag' of Phil's compatriots doing his songs, several specially performed. Ron McDonald is stunning! Slightly audible track transitions, but excellent quality.
* 'Common Threads' feature on Phil Ochs, WAGR 2003
1. D.J. intro.
2. Draft Dodger's Rag (Newport Folk Festival, 1964)
3. Interview I
4. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
5. Interview II
6. I'm Gonna Say It Now
7. Interview III
8. Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
9. Interview IV
10. Chords Of Fame
11. D.J./ Interview V
12. When I'm Gone
13. Interview VI
14. Power And Glory
15. Interview VII
16. Patty Humphries song
17. Interview VIII
18. Talking Free T.V.
19. I Ain't Marchin' Anymore (Carnegie Hall, 1970)
20. D.J./ Interview IX
21. Is There Anybody Home? (cover version)
22. Interview X
23. Changes (from 'In Concert' CD)
24. Outtro.
COMMENTS- Sonny Ochs (Phil's sister) is interviewed about her brother, and Phil's songs are played.
This was a tape transfer, and, whilst the quality is
excellent, I think you still can hear slight sound-card noise.
DOCUMENTARY- 'Phil Ochs: Still Marching' (BBC, 2009).
Narrated by Billy Bragg, this is (for me) an informative though rather flat documentary which glosses over some of the fine later songs far too easily. Some interesting anecdotes though, and worth having simply for the fact that it is about Phil!
I have this on CD in first-class sound.