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Movie Reviews Of the newest movies, from flicks to Blockbusters

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Top Movies of all time (in no particular order) Favorite Actors/Actresses of all time (in no particular order) Favorite Characters of all time (in no particular order)

Rating System: *=Why God why **=don't make me come over there ***=rent it ****=see it in the theatres you're in for a great show *****=This rating is reserved for the elite movies that surpass all others, most likely it will only be given to the old movie pic of the week that i will review, but some lucky few recent films could get it.

Classic Movie of the week:
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back: Numero uno, number one, THE Best movie of all time. Not only the best of all the star wars movie but my personal favorite. From beginning to end there is nothing but non-stop exitement and adventure. From the intricate plot, to the breathtaking action sequences, this movie has it all. And did i mention 2 of the best movie characters of all time. The greatest of the muphets, Yoda, and... Darth Vader. Wonderful and Terrible at the same time, James Earl Jones's deep voice goes perfectly with the ever present deep breathing coming from vaders mask. Cruel, devious, ruthless, and just plain not a nice guy. But enough about my favorite movie char. of all time, did i mention the battle on the ice planet Hoth? or the stunning asteroid field chase? or what about that epic duel between Luke skywalker and Darth Vader. Mystery, Romance, Action, Terror... and Must see sci-fi adventure.
Appeal: A must see for anyone and everyone, combines action, drama, and special effects to create the only movie that i can watch beginning to end whenever, where ever. Rating: ******************

One Hour Photo: Starring Robin Williams. A decent suspense thriller about a lonely photo developer at a local "savemart". He watches a family grow up by looking at their family photos for 8 years. Robin Williams is making a good transition from comedy to more serious acting roles. The movie makes it seem like its a more in-depth type of movie, but its actually a fairly run of the mill suspense thriller.
Appeal: A decent suspense thriller, no blood or gore, some nudity. Rating: **and a half

Red Dragon: Starring Anthony Hopkins, Ralph Fienns, and Edward Norton. A great mystery thriller based on the Hannibal Lecter books. Edward Norton is the detective who caught Hannibal Lecter back in the 80's. Now hes faced with a new challenge, a killer with an elaborate fantasy. 11 people are dead, and Norton has to solicit the help of Hanibal Lecter to try and catch the killer.
Appeal: A great suspense thriller, not as scary as silence of the lambs, but a good horror none the same. Rating: ****

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