Death On Every Door By SamanthaCat


I ran home. For once in my life, I was scared. So scared that I wanted to curl up in my mother's lap and kiss her a million times...but I couldn't. I opened the trunk of the old car where we, my mother and I, lived.

"Where have you been, Electra?" My mother asked.

"Around," I replied.

"Around is not an answer!" She snapped.

"Oh, Jellylorum," my gradfather, Gus, scolded, "Please relax."

Mother sat on the edge of Gus' bed, "I'm just worried about my daughter."

"I know. She knows that too-"

"ATTENTION, ATTENTION! ALL JELLICLE MEMBERS REPORT TO THE PLATFORM!" A loudspeaker blared. Mother wrapped Gus in his blanket and draped a quilt over my shoulders. She helped Gus walk.

When we got there, the other Jellicle cats were sitting on the ground in front and Macavity was standing on the platform. I was even more scared.

"Mother!" I shrieked. She grabbed my hand and we sat down together. The last of the Jellicles arrived and Macavity allowed a sly smiled to creep onto his face.

"Whoever moves will die," he began, "Now, I am taking over the Jellicle tribe. I have killed Old Deuteronomy and the rest of you will endure the same fate unless you join my army. Step forward if you would rather live than die."

Alonzo stepped forward, "I will join you, Macavity." Alonzo stood behind him on the platform. Some of the cats gasped, but I locked my lips together; afraid that if I made a sound I'd be killled.

"And I!" Asparagus joined Alonzo.

"Me too!" Pouncival grinned and joined his friends.

"Let me fight!" We watched with horror as Tumblebrutus, a kitten, made his way to the platform.

"Anyone else? Speak now or forever hold your peace," spat Macavity.

"Okay, okay," Skimbleshanks lept onto the platform.

Slowly, more cats (Toms only!) made their way to the platform. The ending result was: Alonzo, Asparagus, Pouncival, Tumblebrutus, Skimbleshanks, Ghengis, and Growltiger.

"The rest of you are in danger..." Macavity and his troop of traitors walked off.

"Traitors!" Munkustrap screamed as he kicked a rock.

Part I:

There was a bang on the door. It was midnight at least. This wasn't good. I peeked open my eyes as Mother opened the door. It was Skimbleshanks.

"What is it?" Jellylorum asked carefully.

"We need the oldest household member...Jellylorum, I'm sorry."

"No! You can't have Gus!"

Skimble hit her on the shoulder with the butt of his gun, "I'm afraid you have no choice." Skimble, Alonzo, and Asparagus pushed passed Mother and grabbed Gus from his sleeping cot.

"What's going on?" He asked shakily. Mother was crying.

"I love you, Daddy!" She screamed.

"I love you too, Jellylorum!" The door slammed shut. I got out of bed and hugged Mother hard.

"I love you, mother. I love you!" I cried with her all night.

It was just at dawn when we heard gun shots. They went on for hours. When they stopped, Jellylorum and I went to see who had died along with everyone else. Demeter was hugging her sister, Bombalurina, and crying. I could see why: Munkustrap was killed. In the end, the dead were: Admetus, Bustopher Jones, Coricopat, Gus, and Munkustrap. Soon, everyone retired to their homes and went to sleep. This was a time of terror, indeed.

Part II:

It was weeks before the next raid. It was a stormy night and there was death at every door. Our door was pounded down and Skimble, Alonzo, and Asparagus stormed.

"Jelly, you're coming with us." They grabbed her. I screamed and shrieked and yelled and cried myself crazy. The shooting stopped around the same time and all of the living Jellicles walked out of their houses. Everyone was dead except for Victoria, Sillabub, Etcetera, Demeter, and me. We knelt beside the bodies of our loved ones and cried for hours...and then Rum Tum Tugger appeared.

He grabbed Demeter and said, "I know you don't love me, but I killed Macavity and the rest of his followers...we can start over!" The six of us grabbed hands and danced around, knowing that this was the end of the bad times...knowing that this was the calm after the storm.