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Fan Corner



5th March 2004

And here's for something completely different...


I'm soooo excited about tommorrow! I know lot's of you are going so I just can't wait to meet you all. I hope Andy is prepared for us all! If you don't know yet, Andy is appearing at LFACC in Wembley tomorrow. Check it out!


SerkisFreak Elliemini emailed me to say that Andy is on the Richard and Judy show tonight at 17:00hrs on Channel 4.


And purely for OT interests' Brad Douriff (my over love *grins*) will be filming the Fifth Part of the Child's Play saga (I have been waiting for years to hear this!!!) I'm glad it's been confirmed, but I'm a little dazzed at hearing who will voice the seed of Chucky- none other than our little hobbit Billy Boyd!!?? Now, wouldn't Andy have made a deliciously evil devil doll? You can read about it at Empire Online, or if you want a real laugh, you can check out my personal Child's Play page I made about four/five years ago back in college, called Hell Dolls. Oh yes, be amazed by the" graphics" hehehe! Hi de Ho ho!


There's a very interesting discussion on at My Preciouss forum at the moment regarding Andy's whipped cream scene in "Loop".


[Previous Serkis News]




(5th March, 2004)


Archived the news, and fixed Carrie's SerkisFreak page,- cheers for the heads up Yeltz!


(25th February, 2004)


I've added two new SerkisPerformers to the SerkisFreaks list; Carrie and Ella! I have alsomoved some of the old February news into the archived news section, as I haven't had time to try and get the frames to work. Remember to always check the old news archive!


(11th February, 2004)

Archived News

I've moved the last few days of February news into the news archives. I just *cannot* get the darn scrollbar to work, so all it does is pull the iFrames out of place. No matter how much I scream and shout or even swear at the computer- it refuses to comply- so until I get it sorted I'm just going to have to move the news into the archives every fews days. All this means is, if you haven't been on here for a week or so, you should click on the previous news link.


(6th February, 2004)

More SerkisFreaks and some News

Okay, so added Corky to the SerkisFreaks section- so make sure you go check that out- and keep sending them in! I've also completed the news section (up above) so that you can read all the news since the beginning of time (well, since serkis-online came about anyhows). Unfortunatly the adding of some news has disaligned (is that a word?) the little message boxes to the left side, so I will have to sort that out soon. But it's early days!


(5th February, 2004)

Amendments and SerkisFreaks

Today I fixed the broken Elijah-Online link and button, I also added three SerkisFreaks to the Fan Corner- RosiePosie, Kate and SnowKupp! Make sure to send your picture and info to me so I can add you!


Tomorrow, I'm planning on coding the entire news section from the last year onto this site- so watch out for that!



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