Troma Filmography
Acting Out [VHS]
Adventure Of The Action Hunters
Advising Michael [VHS]
Alien Blood [DVD] [VHS]
All The Love You Cannes [VHS Screener]
Angels' Wild Women [DVD] [VHS]
Baby Doll Murders
Back Road Diner [VHS]
Baconhead [VHS]
Battle of Love's Return, The [VHS]
Battle of the Last Panzer [VHS]
Best Shots
Best of Tromadance, The Vol. 1 [DVD] [VHS]
Best of Tromadance, The Vol. 2 [DVD]
Beware! Children at Play [DVD] [VHS]
Big Gus What's The Fuss? [VHS]
Blades [VHS]
Blondes Have More Guns [VHS]
Blood Hook [VHS]
Blood of Ghastly Horror [DVD] [VHS]
Bloodsucking Freaks [DVD] [VHS]
Breakin' In The USA
Bride of Killer Nerd [VHS]
Bugged! [DVD] [VHS]
Buttcrack [DVD] [VHS]
Canadian Ballet [VHS]
Cannibal! The Musical [DVD] [VHS]
Capture of Bigfoot, The [VHS]
Centerfold Girls [VHS]
Chillers [VHS]
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown [DVD]
Chosen One, The: Legend of The Raven [DVD] [VHS]
Christmas Evil [DVD] [VHS]
Class of Nuke 'Em High [DVD] [VHS]
Class Of Nuke 'em High II: Subhumanoid Meltdown [VHS]
Class Of Nuke 'em High III: The Good, The Bad, And The Subhumanoid [VHS]
Club Life
Combat Shock [DVD] [VHS]
Comeback [VHS]
Crapston Villas [VHS]
Creep [VHS]
Croaked: Frog Monster From Hell
Cry Uncle [DVD] [VHS]
Curse of the Cannibal Confederates [VHS]
Dark Side of Midnight, The
Dead Dudes In The House [VHS]
Deadly Daphne's Revenge
Death To The Pee-Wee Squad
Decampitated [VHS]
Def By Temptation [DVD] [VHS]
Demented Death Farm Massacre [VHS]
Dialing For Dingbats
Digital Prophet [VHS]
Dog Years [VHS]
Doggie Tails
Dracula vs. Frankenstein [DVD] [VHS]
Dragon Fury II [VHS]
Dragon Gate [VHS]
Drawing Blood, Sergio Lapel's [DVD] [VHS]
Dreams Come True
East End Hustle
Electra Love 2000
Ellie [VHS]
Escape From Hell [DVD] [VHS]
Eve's Beach Fantasy [VHS]
Evil Clutch [VHS]
Fag Hag [VHS]
Fanatic [DVD] [VHS]
Farts of Darkness: The Making of Terror Firmer [VHS]
Fat Guy Goes Nutzoid [VHS]
Fatty Drives The Bus [VHS]
Feelin' Up
Femme Fontaine: Killer Babe For The CIA [VHS]
Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters [VHS]
Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters 2
Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell [VHS]
Fickle Finger of Fate, The
First Turn-On, The [DVD] [VHS]
Fist of Fear, Touch of Death [VHS]
Foreplay [VHS]
Fortress of Amerikkka [VHS]
Frostbiter [DVD] [VHS]
Fugitive X [VHS]
Ghost Ship
G.I. Executioner [VHS]
Ginger In The Morning [VHS]
Girls School Screamers [DVD] [VHS]
Girl Who Returned, The [VHS]
Graduation Day [DVD] [VHS]
Hanging Woman [VHS]
Haunting Fear [VHS]
Hellblock 13 [DVD] [VHS]
Hollywood Zap! [VHS]
Horror of the Hungry Humungous Hungan [VHS]
Hot Summer In Bigfoot Country
Haunted To Death
I Spit On Your Corpse [DVD] [VHS]
I Married A Vampire
I Was A Teenage TV Terrorist [VHS]
Igor And The Lunatics [DVD] [VHS]
Imitators, The [DVD] [VHS]
Kick Of Death [VHS]
Killer Condom [DVD] [VHS]
Killer Nerd [VHS]
Last Way Out, The [VHS]
Left Overs [VHS]
Legend of the Chupacabra [DVD] [VHS]
Love-Thrill Murders, The [VHS]
Lust For Freedom [VHS]
Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy [DVD] [VHS]
Midsummer Night's Dream, A [VHS]
Mommy's Epitaph
Monster In The Closet [DVD] [VHS]
Mother's Day [DVD] [VHS]
Mr. Scarface [VHS]
Nerds Of A Feather
New Gladiators [DVD] [VHS]
Nick of Time, The
Night Beast
Nightfall [VHS]
Nightmare Weekend
November Men, The
Nymphoid Barbarian In Dinosuar Hell, A [DVD] [VHS]
Ocean Drive Weekend
Play Dead
Plutonium Baby [VHS]
Preacherman [VHS]
Project Kill [VHS]
Pterodactyl Woman From Beverly Hills [VHS]
Pyro [DVD]
Rabid Grannies [DVD] [VHS]
Real Time [DVD]
Rebel Love
Recorded Live
Redneck Zombies [DVD] [VHS]
Rockabilly Vampire [DVD] [VHS]
Rock'n Roadtrip
Romeo: Love Master Of The Wild Woman's Dorm
Rowdy Girls, The [DVD] [VHS]
Satan's Sadists [DVD] [VHS]
Savage Abduction [VHS]
Scream Baby Scream [VHS]
Screamplay [VHS]
Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD [DVD] [VHS]
Shadows Run Black
Shakespeare In...and Out [VHS]
Shark [VHS]
Silent But Deadly
Sisters of Sin [VHS]
Sizzle Beach, USA [DVD] [VHS]
So Shall You Reap [VHS]
Space Freaks From Planet Mutoid
Space Zombie Bingo [VHS]
Squeeze Play [DVD] [VHS]
Stabilizer, The
Star Worms II: Attack Of The Pleasure Pods [VHS]
Stendhal Syndrome, The [DVD] [VHS]
Story Of A Junkie [VHS]
Strangest Dreams: Invasion Of The Space Preachers [VHS]
Stuck On You [DVD] [VHS]
Student Confidential
Stuff Stephanie In The Incinerator [VHS]
Suburbanators The [VHS]
Sucker The Vampire [DVD] [VHS]
Sugar Cookies [VHS]
Superstarlet A.D. [DVD] [VHS Screener]
Surf Nazis Must Die [DVD] [VHS]
Tainted [VHS]
Teenage Catgirls In Heat [DVD] [VHS]
Terror Firmer [DVD] [VHS]
That's My Baby
They Call Me Macho Woman [VHS]
Tomcat Angels [VHS]
Toxic Avenger, The [DVD] [VHS]
Toxic Avenger II, The [DVD] [VHS]
Toxic Avenger III, The: The Last Temptation of Toxie [DVD] [VHS]
Toxic Avenger IV, The: Citizen Toxie [VHS Screener]
Toxic Crusaders: The Movie [VHS]
Toxic Crusaders II: The Revenge of Dr.Killemoff
Troma's Basement
Troma's Edge TV [DVD]
Troma's War [DVD] [VHS]
Tromaville Cafe
Tromeo and Juliet [DVD] [VHS] [Laserdisc]
Trucker's Woman
Unspeakable [DVD] [VHS]
Vegas In Space [DVD] [VHS]
Video Demons Do Psychotown
Video Vixens [VHS]
Viewer Discretion Advised [VHS]
Viral Assassins [VHS]
Virgin Beasts
Waitress! [DVD] [VHS]
Wedding Party, The [VHS]
When Nature Calls [VHS]
White Elephant: The Battle Of The African Ghosts
Wizards of The Demon Sword [VHS]
Wounded, The [DVD]
Young Goodman Brown
Zombie Island Massacre [VHS]