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Louis Malle

There is a reason that Road to Perdition is my favorite film this year, and no it is not because I have not seen Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner yet.


What I enjoyed a lot was the lack of reliance on special effects and the like. Unlike the star wars prequels, which were quite unsatisfactory, Road to Perdition relied on its acting and story to make an impression. Even without much special effects, the picture is still dazzling in its intricate attention to costume and outdoor scenery that is very least I would like to believe so. One aspect of the film I thought took getting used to was a member of the Irish mob. Although I think he is one of the best actors of this day, no matter how good he acted could really make him look natural in his role. Aside from that I thought he did a very good job, along with that little kid....I don’t know what the hell his name is. Most of all, however, was Paul Newman’s job. I mean, he made me cry, literally. This was a combination of his great acting in this movie and of my being a pussy.


Another reason I loved this film were the very cool camera tricks that was used. In one of the last scenes, the view with hanks looking out through the window of the beach house was a very nice way to show what occurred. Also, the ending of the movie was good. It got to a point where it seemed that any way I could imagine the film ending would have been cliché. But the ending was very good in my mind.


One of the things I did not like about the movie was that damn photographer. first of all he was creepy as hell, second of all he was played by Jude Law and I hate Jude law, and lastly, he was more annoying than my strange resistance to capital letters.


Overall, I liked the story because it successfully presented the bond between fathers and sons. This bond is often uncomfortable, with neither the father nor the son being able to communicate with each other well, but it is very strong nonetheless. I give this movie 5 stars.

Road to Perdition

capsule review by Chris Walker


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