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Two essential ingredients to restore balance in your body and in your life


Imagine an orange.
Now, take the skin of it. What have you left? Now, take all the juice out of it. What have you left? Now, let the remainder disappear. What have you left? ... You are left with the thought of the orange.

It is impossible that happenings that come to us are not our choice. The evidence of sickness is made possible only through the belief in the possibility of it. Sickness is a choice. Who is the real physician? Only the mind of the patient.

The patient could merely say:"I have no use for this." and there is no form of sickness that would not be cured at once.

The miracle of healing is useless if you learn but that the body can be healed. The lesson is the mind is sick that thought the body could be sick.

If the idea of sickness is in your mind it matters not in whom this idea takes on a tangible form. It does not matter that you can escape the material evidence of illness on a personal level. Still, the beholder of the idea of sickness is responsible for any demonstration of sickness.

Healing is simple and is accomplished the instant the sufferer no longer sees any value in pain.
All power is given unto you in heaven and earth. This power, this healing power, is the power of God. And it is this power that is given you.

Does Jesus heal through me? Does God heal through me? Once more, all power is given unto you in heaven and earth. You are the one that knows of heaven and earth, God doesn't.

Posted by Michael in Marianne Williamson's site, on November 10, 1997 at 14:58:51


First ingredient: (everything begins!)

-Do you know the unlimited potential there is within you?

-Do you see yourself as being the creator of your reality?

-Could you look around you, and accept the world for what it really is?

You are the center of your universe!

Does it surprise you? Everything you see, hear, touch, smell, and taste, has to do with you directly. The world that surrounds you, is filtered through your senses, all the time. But there is one important element, one ingredient that keeps the reality of you world the way you experience it: Your perception of it.
However, there is a sixth sense inside each of us that has a more important role. It decides how we are going to feel this universe that surrounds us. Consciously or not, it is still a sate of consciousness. One allows you to experience life smoothly and harmoniously, like a gentle stream of water. Or we can choose the roughness of the rapids, and hope to be able to navigate safely to the river's banks. It is still our decision to how we want to experience this life.

Maybe when we were born, some of us came to this world with a question, while others were coming with the answer, or memory of why they chose this plan of existence. The human journey is full of surprises, and none of them are really bad. It is simply the way we look at our lifestyle through our judgements, which creates the "illusion" of good and bad.
So, if you are the center of your universe, and everything you experience, is connected to your consciousness, then you might want to think about what are the perceptions you want to have of it. Do you see your existence in a way that works for you? Honestly. Because if you cannot have an objective opinion, you might as well stop reading.
On the contrary, if you can make that effort in your life right now, and embrace the opportunity presented before you, by expanding your personal horizon; then this could be a giant step you're taking for yourself, and an equal one for the rest of humanity.

-Do you know the unlimited potential there is inside you?

I don't either. But I know that I have experiences in my life that seemed to be out of the ordinary. And yet isn't it the way we label this type of experience?
Everything begins with education, and in our occidental criterias, most is biased through our religious, social, and political agendas. When are we going to stop acting like we don't know better? Yet, the world is becoming more and more rebelious. However, I don't feel it is intended for us to gain self empowerement. We are just moving from one aspect of control to another.
The solution could be spiritual, or coming from an esotheric source of knowledge. But knowledge has to fit one's individual needs. So, maybe beginning to follow that thirst will simply attract the right situations and people. Maybe this longing we all feel for love is the silver line between us and the ultimate gift. So where will you stand from now on? Maybe it's time to have a spiritual check up...Just maybe!?

To create your reality:

This is not about playing God, but to be with the divinity within you. It's about how to recognize that something inside you is all the time connected with the power too often described as being above and beyond us. Well it is above! But it's also below, and behind, forward and around us...but also inside each human being. We can access this all mighty force. We can use it again and again. It's actually recommended to do so. Consciousness is not about just being awaken. It's also and first of all, to be aware of what we have since birth, and to accept it as been a part of heritage. Actually I should say us been a part of It. And then to be one with it.
This is to me how we can start believing that an individual reality can exist, because of the intimate relationship one begins to develop between that God and ourselves. Between the universe and our deeper self. We are time passengers, and within that period we can manage to exist as we truly deserve it, and truly are.

So, what is it like to create our reality? Well it's first to determine what we want for ourselves. But also to make sure that it will make us happy. Anyone can wish for anything they want, but is it going to make you happy...Ahhh!? We need to aknowledge our priorities, and also "work" around our temporary limitations.
Let me give you the most common exemple I know...Millions of people play lotery in America every week . But how many of us are playing convinced they will win those millions?
This is what I am talking about...Play with your belief system, how much are you ready to accept now, truly? One hundred thousands dollars, two hundred, half a million? This is where you need to look at yourself and the dynamics you are facing in the present. Then begin to visualize your goal with your heart and your mind. Because just to have a mental construct will stay an intellectual approach. And we all know that any mental desire has no "backbone" to support real success. It has to be felt, to be real, to feel it from inside and to project it with all your abilities.

Then when you have set your goals and visualized them and exercised your abilities from within yourself; the next step is to hold your perceptions. Nothing can come in between, don't even allow your ideas and doubts. But you've learned that by now.
So, when you feel ready to create a reality, remember those few points, and please, begin with something small, so you can build your confidence and trust, and then become more and more in touch with the source of your intuitions or instinct.

To see the world with clarity:

We all believe to be right, and to see things the way they are, right? Not exactly...Most of us think that we are in a state of clarity, and see the world that surrounds us for what it really is. Well, imagine yourself been the center of your universe...and you know now, that you are supposed to be a human being in balance/harmony. Now tell me; do you see the world around you in that place of harmony which reflect yours?
Or are you merely in a re-active state with certain things you perceive, certain people you know or certain situations you go through? Because that's what I am talking about. Being the "god of your universe", and accept it, and take responsability for your world.

But lets dissect this word "responsability"...the ability-to-respond. You see a god or godess, doesn't re-act, it {he or she} responds. Now that, is your point of clarity. No emotional charge in a responsible state of being. Just simple clarity.
Now one begins to see what it's like to be clear about themselves and the world around. We do not need perceptual filters worn as if they were prescription glasses. And by the way, do you wear any? Because if you do, it is time to let go of them as well. It doesn't serve your purpose anymore.
For many years I was wearing prescription glasses, until I received my first healing, as I mentioned it on my secrets revealed page. I knew from that moment and on, that I would never need them again. It was a profound realization, and the experience had shown me instantly, why I wasn't clear before this moment.

So now I know, and if I have something reflecting my unclear state, again I am back to square one, and do my home work until I feel in harmony and see the world around me with the same feeling.
Every perception, either encourages or discourage a state of perfection. It is essential to our individual existence, but it's effects are also noticable in the world that surrounds us. It's all about healing, isn't it? I am so glad you understand that now.


Second ingredient: (anything is possible!)

-Do you feel connected to the events of your life?

-Are you listening to your intuition/instinct?

-Do you feel awaken, present, guided in your existence?

You are constantly aware of your life!

As we go through life, we are taught that it is normal to be sick. It's suposed to happen. We has children, have all experienced the high fevers that worried our mothers. I remember going through various illnesses with strange names, and sometimes even stranger symptoms. Although for most of the time it was not pleasant, I still recall the idea of skipping school once in awhile. Then I even became a master of disguise, trying to recreate the symptoms that got my mother's attention in the first place.
The habit became a part of my existence. It was normal to be sick. -" Be careful, it's cold outside. Cover yourself up, otherwise you will get sick." My mother would say...
-" Don't go near this person, they have a contagious illness". I gues that was mother's love.

But in the essence, those thoughts and those words, carry a power, through a strong belief. What's more, our tradional medicine emphasize about the various stages of our physical "deterioration". It is as if it was supposed to be this way. The body ages, and with age comes more and more impairements.

Everything was set for the worse to happen. Basically I had to live in fear of what could become of me. And I don't count accidents and random acts of nature. My body was under stress, just by knowing that "something else" other than me could affect it. Then of course, if feeling sick wasn't enough to take, the medication that doctors were prescribing, made existence more unpleasant. Pretty soon, I couldn't pretend to be ill anymore. On the contrary. If I was, I would hide it, and ignore it.
I would refuse to be ill.
In fact I grew up with an "awareness" that backfired on me. And I had no one to blame for but God himself. If and when I was believing in god, it was only when things would go wrong. It was more logic to blame someone I didn't know, which everybody seemed to talk about, than just thinking to myself that I was responsable for "my" illnesses.
Conclusion, the universe would only become a place of rest when I'll die. Now resting is not an option anymore. I want to be conscious of everything, all the time. It's like a necessity, I just love it.

-Do you feel connected to the events of your existence?

Are you feeling some kind of accidental situations, encounters and events happening in your life? If you see this clearly, don't fool yourself, there is no such a thing as coincidences. It's called Syncronicity, and if you can aknowledge that, you begin to accept there is a relationship between you and the rest of the universe or deeper self/god. However, you can be it's messenger/medium or you can be the unwanted third party. It's for you to find out where you must stand in the present. This is where you can receive your gift. Remember....? be aware of your immediat sirroundings, of here and now. I know that sound like a cliche, but try this little exercise, simply in bringing your thought and attention in the room you're in, and just feel your presence with your surroundings. Close your eyes if you have to, allow yourself to be in tuned with your breathing. Not by controlling it, just sink into it. Then use your senses, here the present sounds, smell the fragrances around you, feel your presence in the room your in, together with what or whom is surrounding you then. Allow it to take

Listening to your intuitions:

Everybody has this "gut feeling" from time to time to do the things a certain way...and then, don't listen to themselves anymore, ignore the very source that was driving them, abandon the motivation that was guiding them to begin with.
One could say that impulses shouldn't be trusted. Because again, that's what the majority of people are taught. But who says it's wrong to follow instincts, unless you are told for reason of "survival"? Which by the way is to often associated with a defense attack mode.

In my book, the very source of all is within yourself, so why shouldn't one trust that? Because its incoherent; because it's not socially acceptable; because if everybody would, it could become cahotic? Who is stoping you and why, but yourself. Because in the end, we each remove ourselves from the very nature of God. We begin to obey to Man and not the law. And the law says: -"Listen to You, to your heart to your guide, to your Father, to your authority. one with it.
Until then, how can one says that he/she is in unison with the Whole, the Universe, everything...everybody? If we are individuals, we also are united to that one source, that oneness of loving guidance...Mine, Yours, His.

Feeling guided/direction:

What does it mean exactly to have a sense of direction? Is it about finding your way home or looking for some place to go for dinner, when in doubt? Well that too.
But it's more about feeling "connected" to the source of your authority, source of your intuitions. Do you ever wonder sometimes why you didn't listen to yourself...Bull's eye! Well you can keep on doing this to yourself and wondering why you never do listen. But the matter and the fact is, that you keep on having the opportunity to do so...until you are.

That is when you begin to see the magic and feel that you're not alone anymore. it's like having an invisible companion which you can talk to, and have a relationship with. But only you know that he is real, and realy visible through the manifestations.
yes, you can be feeling guided and loved in a given direction. From that moment and on, there is no more doubt that you are crazy. But functional in another realm. The realm of energy, which rules all others. Because energy is the source, and it's within you.


Manifestation: (anything can happen!)

-Do you presently experience any physical symptom?

-Do you experience an illness which is hereditary?

-Are you experiencing a pattern with an ailment?

You are present with your body's needs!

"Our body is the temple of our soul."
I guess I'm taking little risk in using this popular statement. Most belief systems, not that I need someone else's approval, would agree with me when I say that our body is the house of God. But what is god? And what he/she doing in our body if that is where God reside?


It generates all the time, operates all the time, as it destroys all the time. The cycle is then completed. For all I know God is behind every one of my breath, in and out, it sustains me. It also sustains all living forms and creatures. We know him/it as being omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. It is aware of everything, it is everywhere all the time, and has the power over all living things as it resides in all living creatures and organisms.

Unfortunatly, the world has turned around the very purpose of God, and made it a Dog...yes I can say a faithful companion that obeys to all our desires. Performing tricks and chasing things that we throw away, barking up at our door, making us aware of the things we just disrigarded by caring enough to return them to us.


Now this companion has become dormant in the back of our mind, just ready to pop up when needed. It is the object everyone wants to define and own, yet no one has the copyright for it. It has been glamorized through medias, wealth and power.
We also made him/it the very punishing father we wouldn't dare believe in and trust. Yet, it is that same father we turn to when things go wrong. So we need to repent and worship his words, on Sundays, filling churches and temples with sinners, and guilt. After a couple of hours it's all back to normal and we are purified again. God has become the Idol now...for that day. We can rest in peace, and follow his word. Then begin again on monday!
But what if God really had a rest on Sunday, after he created the world in less than a week? Do you really believe you would be here, alive and breathing. Sometimes I just have to smile at the constant imagination we have about God. Man has created the perfect "convinient" god, and follow words God has never spoken....
I will no longer debate or philosophize about this now. I like to care for and respect your sensitivities. But just imagine if God was pure Energy and consciousness, and that energy was intelligence; how would you think it interacts with us, as human beings? What's more, how should we interact with It in return.
What does it have to do with health and our body? But those are questions that I will answer later, from my own viewpoint and experience.

-Do you experience a physical illness or symptom:

Because if you are, your body is sending you a message, and expresses something you need to recognize. It was previously in your energy system. And prior to that, in your consciousness as a tension. Now the tension as grown in your physical being, and is knocking at the door of your consciousness, giving you metaphoric clues for what use to be the original decision. Today you are still keeping the pattern within your world, and it is reflected by the events of your life. Break free from it before it brakes you!

How? Will you ask me... Simply by making a new decision. In bringing into your consciousness a new perception. Replacing the old belief, old pattern, old program that didn't serve your purpose anymore. Remember, you can be your best friend, by training your mind to learn what you deserve to know. Being positive is not just a thinking process. The mind is a powerful tool to be used, not confused. As far as i am concern, I just let my thoughts travel while I keep bringing my attention to a single point of reference within myself. For some it can be a mantra. For others a visual memory that inspires them to focus on love. I even know of breathing exercises, which sometimes I don't recommend, because it creates an "artificial feeling".

To me, the single point of reference is what I know works best. Such as knowing that LOVE is always in me, or that I am Love. Of course, if you practice a meditation, it helps to get practically to that place called Love. It has to become an experience. Something real and tangible. That excludes not the external forms of love, such as a person or a mentor. However, I would advise you feeling it from you to yourself. That is where the reality of it, Is, present with you at all time.

Hereditary and chronic illness:

What is a chronic illness? Where is it coming and going like a yoyo? It is too often that we hear people talking about family genes, and hereditary illnesses. In my own family, we had an history of kidney stones. From my grand-mother to my mother, to myself. For about 10 years, it never came to my mind to understand why I had this problem. I just accepted it as been a part of the family "trade". I have a sister which was noy affected. But it didn't count, because from a second marriage.

When I was healed the first time, I realized there was something more than just genetical resemblence. That is where I began to to do some serious home work and look at the similarities. Where my mother and grand mother were "alike", and where I fitted in all that.
It was easy to recognize that we all were living in an insecure world, because our motivation for "living" was money. Ahhh! The word is unleashed...
Well money is for many of us a source of security isn't it? We allow ourselves to feel secure through that mean. The more money we have, the more secure we feel. Normal! Because that's how much more we can do on this planet earth. And what about when we were kids then? Well maybe we have felt the need for security through our mother, and she was abscent, or we didn't feel loved from her.

That was the begining of not letting ourselves become nourished by this secure energy. Somehow, we have rejected the love that makes a child feel that security. And we carried that into our adulthood. Then the rest is history...We only need to take a good look at ourselves, and know where we're standing, and what motivates us.

The wedding of patterns and ailments:

Well in a way it is unfortunate that patterns are the source of many symptoms. yet they can be easely recognized and changed for a new program, one that works. So let me go on with the exemple from the chapter above. Kidney stones...
It was obvious to me then after I healed the problem in the second seminar, that I did in fact cured a pattern. I began to recognize and acknowledge the love of my mother. I realized there was a gap between the way I wanted to feel the love and the way she expressed it to me. But I knew she loved me. The way I realized that, is that all of my life I felt my mother was threatning me, because I didn't want to be born in this world. {My parents were fighting all the time, and I remember clearly, feeling it and hearing it, in my mother's woumb}
When I was born I was dead, with the ombilical cord around my neck. I recall the times when my mother told me how she insisted with the doctors to re-animate me. And here I am. But I took this as a threath against my will to not live.

Until I understood that ultimatly, we are here because of our own decsion. And I then felt how much I was wrong about my mom, and that she did the most loving act that a mother can do for her child.
I broke in tears...I was devasteted by such a realization. For the first time I could feel my mother's love. I was cured and from the kidney stone, and from a relationship that was holding a strong pattern. What's more, after that my relationship to women also changed dramaticly. I became truly nice and respectful. But what is most important, I allowed myself to be loved from a woman.
With that, all ambiguous thoughts about homosexuality, {and there was a time when this issue was really rased in me} were instantly gone. I can appreciate a man's beauty and personality. But I know now where my sexual preference is..