Hello kiddies,you have arrived at my new fan-fic site.Time for me to stop talkin' and y'all start writing.. I accept almost anything, but like every other fan fiction sites I do have my own guidelines.
1. Do me a huge favor and use spellchecker before you send me your stories. Double check your work and make sure everything is how you'd like to see it on the Internet.
2. If you would like people to e-mail you their comments on your stories, specify that.
3. BE CREATIVE! Don't write crap, be creative, and take your time. Have fun with it.
4. Send me piece of yor story.Tell me what it is about.
5. If you have a site of your own, I would greatly appreciate a little advertising. You help me, I help you.
If you agree with my guidelines, then I'd be more than happy to accept your story. E-mail them to:
Click here for my Fan Fiction