My Buffy and Cast Page

! You are up late, you should be in bed.

A vampire in love with a slayer. It's rather poetic. In a maudlin sort of way.
Got to Hell

Welcome to my Buffy and Cast Site. School is now out and I've been really busy so the page hasn't been updated for a while. But I will try to stay up during the summer and catch up. Please be patient with me. I have added pics for the first few episodes of from the first season. Plus I am working on a Buffy and Angel site that is only for them. Plus I've made my very own award to give out. So if you have a Buffy site.Email Me and I will look at it. Please feel free to check out all my links and different pages. Be sure toSign My Guestbookor Email Me with any thoughts or suggestions...Have Fun

Updated 6/18/99. I added new sound, pic, and quote. I added Episode Pics and quotes. I have my very own banner. Check it out. I'll update it more later. P.S. I am not Buffy nor do I have any nude pics of her.

I support Buffy and Angel's Relationship

I support Buffy and Angel

I'm a keeper of Scott's sudden break up with Buffy.

Sign My Guestbook

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I'm a member of the Sunnydale Cheerleading Squad!
I'm a member of the Sunnydale High Cheerleading Squad.

Some Reasons I love and watch Buffy The Vampire Show and Cast
CrossBuffy and Angel's Forbidden Love
CrossXander's Sarcastic Remarks and Doofiness
CrossWillow and Oz
CrossCordelia's Willingness to Help (even though she isn't a loser)
CrossTo see Wesley get picked on
CrossGiles foreign English
CrossThe Bad Angel
crossBuffy's Drama
crossThe music

New Pic, Sound, & quote of the week.



Oz: "There's something about you that's causing me to hug you. It's like I have no will of my own."


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