First off, let us mention that we do not know the Backstreet Boys personally and we are in no way at all related to them. These are fictional stories.
~*Mystery Ladiez*~ incomplete,previously known as "The Backstreet Fantasy," this story is about two young witches who use their powers to get some Backstreet love.
~*A Love Phenomenon*~ incomplete, three backstreet members have girlfriends...check out what happens when they decide to go to EuroDisney together! This is more of a personal cheesy love story I wrote for my cousins but you're more than welcome to read it...fantasize...whatever.~*Ain't Nothin But A Heartache*~ started on May 22, 1999, AJ happens to fall in love with a young girl who is hiding something from, it's not a boyfriend...she's hiding something else. What is it? And what is she going to do about it? She knows if she tells AJ, it'll be nothin but a heartache! Read on to find out!
~*The Perfect Love*~ started on July 6, 1999, Nick and AJ think they've found their perfect loves...well, have they?
~*Mom, I Love You*~ a complete short story written by Dawn Elizabeth Perleberg (, it's a very well written sad story about the relationship between Brian and his Mom. We won't ruin it for you, so go on and read it!
~*Starting Over*~ an incomplete story written by alefernandez ( a typical plot about meeting the Boy, falling in's about Nick Carter and a well-known (in fiction that is) actress named Alexia. It gets really interesting, so give it a read!