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Rabbit Links

Glad you decided to drop by and see some of the links I've collected. Email me if you want to see yours up here! Happy browsing...

Some of the bunny graphics on this page, including animation, backgrounds, and lines, were gathered from Little Rabbit Miniatures

Want to see the Annual Christmas Bunny Cards? These can't be sent, sorry!
Maybe you dont' want to send a card, but want to recieve one instead....from your bunny! He has one waiting for you! Go Look At It! Your bunny's card!

Some of my Favorites

House Rabbit Society - Everyone's heard of this one. They have tons of wonderful articles, cute bunny pictures, some bunny items to buy, and loads of great advice. They also have a huge listing of bunny chapters/shelters.

Bunny Buddies, Inc. - This is a great site that also helps out the buns. They have some great gifts to buy, as well as an invaluable section on vets and neutering. Very cute and well layed out; with frames.

Rabbit Dance! - This is the cutest, most adorable thing! Takes a little while to load but definitely one of the few sites worth the wait! - Electronic Rabbit Postcards - This is adorable, fun, fast loading and FREE

Rabbit Language - A must for anyone with a rabbit. Lets you know what everything they do means and how to respond the right way. Very cute and informative.

Easter Bunny Poem - A horribly tragic poem of what happens too often.

Free stuff for pets - Not sure if they have anything for bunnies, but a huge list of sites that offer free stuff for your pets.

Rabbit Fans Message Board - A great message board that has so many messages you'll be busy for at least an hour.

Angela's Rabbit Adoption - For the California area.

Thumpers hollow - Great website that helps shelter bunnies. They sell a huge number of bunny items that benefits the rabbits, and has a list of adoptable buns.

The Simon Gallery - Features the adorable bunny Simon, along with some Excellent pottery buns on dishware and vases. Also has a site that dfeatures beautiful bunny illustrations on tshirts, which goes to help the shelter buns. A must see for bun collectors.

Bunny Heaven - Gifts for people who love rabbits

Etherbun - Homepage for the email list Etherbun

Bunny Bytes Another great online bunny store

Other Rabbit Link Sites

Hoksch's Hoppitry
Paige's Rabbit Mailing Lists
Paige's other rabbit Links
Bunny Links
Dana's Bunny Links

Important Bunny Articles

Article about rabbit vets

Great section on litter training your bun

Bonding mulitiple Rabbits

Basic training know-hows

Pet and grief support

What to do with orphaned baby bunnies
