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Welcome to my Easter Page.

Thank you for coming. You won't find any bunnies or pretty Easter baskets, colored eggs or anything like that. It is my intent to give honor and glory to the "True" meaning of Easter......"Jesus"

Some of you may be wondering what the music is that is playing on this page. It is "Viadelarosa".

Six years ago it became clear to me that I was not celebrating Easter for what it was. Easter was a day to color eggs with children, and have cute little baskets filled with candies and toys for all of the children. I didn't celebrate the death, burial and rising our our Lord. Why? Because Satan was in control of my life than and not God.

Now my family doesn't celebrate with all that "worldly stuff" we now celebrate the true meaning behind Easter.

It is my prayer that the things that you find here will be a blessing to you in some way. None of what I do on my pages are of me. They are of God. Without God I wouldn't be able to do any of this.

I pray that you and yours have a blessed and joyful Easter this year.

In Christ....Because He Lives,

Rhonda (aka Ladi Grace)

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