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Guild Members


Rules & Requirements

May ????
Welcome to the "M.E.N Guild Page!"

Welcome to the old M.E.N Guild homepage for the Online Game Everquest Online Adventures on Playstation 2. We are on the Hodstock server. Feel free to check us out as we grow! The new site is at please come and check us out


8/9/03-Congrats to all who have made it to level 50. I am in the process of updating the Guild Member page and hope to have it completed by the end of the week. I have posted a message in the forum that you all may respond to with your main character and alts information (Please do so) so that I can add you to the list. Once this is completed I will update weekly with level advancements. Also, if you all can sign the guess book I will be able to send out group emails to all of up comming events, guild meetings, and raids. I would also like to add a new page with member play times so that we all could know when each other normally is online. I have posted my email address on the guild member page so that if you need me to change your information I can do so in a timely manner. This can be used for sugestions for our guild web site. Thanks to all of you for any additional input that you may have... Davin

5/31/03-Congrats to Holywarrior for becoming our first level 50 Character...Congrats to Renkor an Eolraug for Finishing their Epic and they will be 50 very very soon too. That will be 3 level 50s in they guild. Also we have about 4 or 5 more 40+ people in the guild that will be 50 soon too. Congrats to all that gained levels and the guild is getting very strong, we are also full, so recruitment has to slow down, we will have to look for inactives, but we dont have too many of those any more...Peace out....Nada

5/23/03-Ok, I have updated the site a little. I sent out a newsletter, if you didnt get it Click Here for copy of it. It has alot of info in it, so please read it. Guild member of the week has now turned to guild member of the month, with the winner receiving 10k tunar from me. So if you want it play hard, help guildmates, and get lvls...Well that is it for right now. Plz post in forum....Nada

5/08/03- WE ARE HAVING A RAID THIS SUNDAY 6PM CENTRAL TIME...MEET IN MTG! Should be alot of fun! Giganticus is the guild member of the week for always helping players out with their quests!

5/01/03- Ok we had a guild meeting and decided to set lvl limit at 20. Anyone under 20 has one week to get to 20. Also we decided on me as the first guild leader. I hope I can serve you well.

4/23/03- Congrats to Eolraug guild member of the week of 4/14. Eolraug helps fellow guildmates with quests, works on recruitment and is now the highest lvl in the guild. Congrats Eolraug! Also, we need to set up guild meeting...NADA

4/16/03- Nevermind the level limit...Just work on lvls everyone...but I am going to remove inactives...thanks...NADA

4/14/03-Congrats to Evildead, he is the guild member of the week! Evildead remains the top person in the guild. Keep up the good work! Also, we need to pick a time for a guild meeting.

4/11/03-Well you all deciced that the cheifs was a good idea. Also Evildead suggested that we have a guild member of the week...I think this is a great idea! ALSO we need to set up a time for a guild meeting! We have alot to discuss, including picking a Cheif of Staff....Nada

4/10/03-Well I decided that we need to be more organized, so We will be creating Chiefs. Basically in charge of something in guild. Here is what I propose we need filled and person that should be in charge:

Positions in Guild

  • Chief of Raids-Evildead Accepted
  • Chief of Recruitment-Eolraug Accepted
  • Chief of Internal Affairs-Nada Accepted
  • Chief of Promotion-Menelhach Accepted
  • Chief of Questing-?? Anyone that wants this Postion please post in forum.
  • Chief of Motivation-Lyricmed Accepted
  • Chief of Staff(Leader of guild)-?? We will vote on it

4/9/03-Added a rules and requirments section to website. EVERYONE needs to check it out! Plus please sign up to mailing list. We have 4 people signed up right now, that is not a good %. Congrats for anyone who earned a lvl....Nada

4/7/03-Added a mailing list!! Everyone needs to sign up so I can email you with guild news...Also I added more links and made it so you can add links to if u have a link put it on the site, to do this you need to go to link page!...Nada

4/7/03-Raid went well for that most part...It was action time we have raid we will have more people in it...we had about 13 members show up out of the 40 that are 20+ in the guild, plus use the forum!!....Nada

4/6/03-Everyone needs to sign guestbook and post in the forum!!They are there for u to use! I was thinking about adding a chat room, but I dont think anyone would use it. I am looking for more links and update the website with pictures, but I dont have many if u have pictures email them to me!

4/4/03-OK I am working on website again! Hip Hip Horray!!...Nada

2/30/03-Started a more current list of members, check to see if I have it right....Nada

2/26/03-I added a link section to website so the guild can get Maps, Quests, and Other Info on the game...If you have a site in mind for link list please email me @ Thanks....Nada

2/23/03-We now have 30 members. Welcome to all new members....List will be updated soon, so dont worry if your name is not on the list...Nada

2/21/03-Recruitment Continues, we now have 16 members in the Guild...Congrats to everyone who Leveled too...Nada

2/20/03-We now have 10 Members!! Welcome to all the new members...Renkor, Judgement, Krate, Orophin, and Albatross...If you know of anyone looking for a guild and is a good player contact a Officer or a Master...Nada

2/19/03-Web site was lauched...Started recruitment of members...Nada

2/18/03-Guild was formed by Nada, Eolraug, and Menelhach...Nada

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Please Check out the Forum and Sign the Guestbook, if you are in the guild!