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Devon's Froggy Page!

Welcome to my page! As you can see I like 's ! (Don't worry girls, I only like to decorate with fake ones, not real ones! I don't think Mama would let me have a real frog in the house!) Well, unless it was the frog! I'm Devon and I'm 18 months old.

This is my 1st present from my Mama for Christmas this year! OH BOY I can't wait to see what it is!!
Send Presents to your freinds too!

I like to watch Sesame Street and occasionally the Teletubbies. I love going to the pool or the park with Mama, or visiting relatives in Florida and Alabama. (I hope I will get to visit my relatives in Puerto Rico one day too!) I like to eat all by myself, give me a spoon and let me HAVE AT IT! (Click here, for a froggy treat I've scooped out for you!) I love to stand on anything that will help me get into more stuff, I especially like to click the mouse on the computer-but Mama says it's not OK when I accidently shut down the computer. (Buttons are so fun to push though!!) I love to feed myself now too! And guess what my favorite word is? "NO!!!!"

Mama's currently working on a page about Puerto Rico for me,because my papa and relatives, are from there. *If you know of any web pages that are good for kids about P.R., please let me know!*

I'm a member of the Kids on the Web (KOW), a neat group of kids that also have lots of COOL web pages! If you want to join, there's a link at the bottom of my page. Mama and the moms of the KOW kids make sure all the sites found on those pages are safe for kids! Be sure to check out all the great games they have on their pages too!

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave!

This is Kudo

My adopted tree frog!

Click on football player for KOW's homepage!

Read my guestbook!
Sign my guestbook!

~My Home Page ~~My Mama's Page! ~~More froggies ~~The frog king! ~~A FROGGY TREAT! ~~Guess that Froggy Tune! ~~Puerto Rico Childen's Page ~~*A FROGGY SURPRISE 4 U*! ~~Gifts and Awards ~~Web Rings I Belong To ~~Moyra's Web Jewels ~~ Viki Mouse Graphics ~~Kids Domain ~~The JavaScript Source ~~Toddler Diet (How'd they know?) ~

Frog and other kids'games!
Some of these games require shockwave.

Choose a GAME ~Safe-T frog Game ~~Color a frog! ~~Catch the frog! ~~Teletubby BYE BYE! ~~Teletubby Hiding Game ~~Teletubby Trumpets ~~Nick Jr.! ~~VEGGIE TALES! ~

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