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There are some good things on the horizon. Angelfire (my website host) has enlarged my account from 5 megs to 50 megs. This increase will allow much more information, links, images, and multimedia to be added. So be sure to check back now and then for updates as there are many on the way. If there is anyone/thing you would like to see added now would be a good time to suggest it. Thanks for stopping by. Last Updated. 12/6/00.

"My Personal philosophy is my music. Nothing but music-life-that's all" - Jimi Hendrix

Take the current poll:Which do you prefer: Delta or electric? Find out what other people think.

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This is a section that I put together in rememberance of each and every great blues guitarist, singer, etc. that has ever lived because they put in their part in keeping the music alive and entertaining generations of people. These are people that need rememberance and recognition because what they went through and accomplished deserves it.

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This Blues Ring site is managed by Dicky "blues express" Powell

Painting the Heavens With Electric Blues:The Stevie Ray Vaughan Web Ring
This site is owned byDickey's Page Of The Blues
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