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SPRINT PCS Cellular Communications Tower Is No Longer Too Close To Residences in Jacksonville, Florida!!

Sprint PCS Cellular Tower
Born - June 6, 1998
Removed - February 11, 2001
Photos above show removal of the cellular tower during weekend of February 10-11 2001. Middle photo is of JEA monopole after removal of the entire Sprint structure.

2000 Information Below

UPDATE FEBRAURY 2000 - Antenna move near....

 Florida Times Union 2 February 2000 - Sprint Antenna will be moved soon , firm says....


Click Here For Missouri City, Texas Events Timeline and Photographs

Missouri City, Texas
Sprint Cellular Tower
.... Does This Look Familiar??


1999 Information Below

UPDATE JUNE 99 - The Jacksonville Planning Commission has approved a rezoning request that will allow relocation of the Sprint PCS Tower....and more

 Florida Times Union 2 June 1999 'Twofer' Tower Solution Was Reached By Luck

1998 Information Below
Florida Times Union 24 Nov 98 "Antenna Move Tied To Search"
Read Times Union Article

Comment: Article states "...neighbors complained as soon as the antenna was erected atop a new , 97 foot concrete pole that replaced one of a series of 80 foot Jacksonville Electric Authority power poles behind Autumn Glen subdivision...." Again, we must point out that the 97 foot high Sprint PCS cellular tower did not replace the JEA 80 foot pole, rather JEA attached power lines to a Sprint PCS Cellular Tower approximately 3 weeks after its construction.

Florida Times Union 1 Sept 98 "Mandarin Antenna Solution In Works"
Read Times Union Article

Comment: Article states "...antenna was installed in early June atop a taller JEA power pole...." The Times Union has its facts wrong. The cellular tower was built from the ground up by Sprint PCS as a cellular tower. In fact it is the JEA power lines which are attached to a Sprint PCS cellular tower.

Jacksonville City Council Voices Concern During 14 July Meeting

Jacksonville Southeast Citizen's Planning Advisory Committee Calls for Tower Removal - More Residents Voice Concern at 28 July City Council MeetingTimes Union 1 August Article - Neighbors Ask Council To Remove Tower

Read My 1 August Email to City of Jacksonville General Counsel Mullaney

Read CPAC letter to the Jacksonville City Council
Page 2
SPRINT PCS Cellular Communications tower near homes in Mandarin area of Jacksonville, Florida
5-6 June 1998 - Construction commences (electric pole eventually replaced is to the left)
Base of Cellular Tower (note proximity to our residence fence and lot line)
The view from my driveway at 11825 Catrakee Drive

Let me introduce myself. My name is Jim Carr and I reside at 11825 Catrakee Drive in the Mandarin area of Jacksonville, Fl. I am a career Naval Officer and veteran of Desert Storm. I am a resident of Florida and a property owner and taxpayer in Jacksonville. On 5-6 June personnel working for SPRINT Personal Communications Systems (SPRINT PCS) commenced erection of a mono pole cellular communications tower in close proximity to my home and the homes of my neighbors. This large tower was built alongside an existing Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA)electric pole. SPRINT PCS leased the JEA right of way to construct this tower. Work on this structure continued and culminated at approximately 1:30am Friday morning June 19 when several of us were awakened by SPRINT construction crews who were attaching the electric lines to the lower part of the Cellular tower as JEA removed the smaller regular sized electric pole. 
The City of Jacksonville enacted an Ordinance in 1996 which intent was to prevent cellular communications towers from being built with 250 feet of residential zoned property (homes). This SPRINT PCS tower is well inside 250 feet of my lot and even closer to my neighbors back yard (about 35 feet away). We voiced concern over the presence of this tower and the City of Jacksonville Attorney has issued an opinion that this tower serves as a "replacement" pole for the electrical pole which existed and therefore isn't covered by the provisions of the 1996 Ordinance. 
I do not expect SPRINT PCS to be sympathetic to our situation with this cellular tower - in fact, my discussions with SPRINT employees have confirmed this. I do expect our elected officials to be more responsive. In this regard Councilman Dick Kravitz and his staff have been very responsive. Unfortunately, the decision to place this cellular tower in our "backyards" was made by city officials who are not elected and do not appear to be concerned about the rights of property owners and tax payers in Jacksonville. This web site is dedicated to the removal and relocation of this cellular tower and to inform the citizens of Jacksonville that under the City's interpretation of the 1996 Ordinance a cellular tower could be placed just about anywhere............... Coming soon to a location near you???????More Photos of Our Subdivision

 What Sprint PCS Won't Tell You About Long Term Exposure To PCS Tower Emissions

Representatives from SPRINT PCS use the language "we want to be good neighbors" in every conversation and public relations interview. DO good neighbors....
  • Work practically around the clock during an entire weekend to construct a 100 foot communications tower next to your home AND NEVER TELL YOU THEY WERE GOING TO DO IT BEFOREHAND???
  • Work in the middle of the night next to your property, creating noise so loud it awakens you AND NEVER TELL YOU THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT BEFOREHAND???
  • State categorically that "THE TOWER ISN'T COMING DOWN" ???
  • Then, in a newspaper interview state that they are SURPRISED BY THE CONTROVERSY OVER THE TOWER??? These are our good neighbors???........

    UPDATE 14 JULY - Several residents of the affected area in Mandarin and other concerned citizens spoke before the Jacksonville City Council tonight. Council President Don Davis and Councilman Jim Tullis expressed deep concern over how the construction of this tower was allowed in view of the provisions of the 1996 ordinance. At request of Councilman Dick Kravitz (Mandarin) Councilman Davis agreed to speak to the Jacksonville City Attorney in an effort to get this decision reviewed. Councilman Tullis pressed city attorneys for an explanation during the council meeting. The explanation given by a city attorney was the tower was legal since the 100 foot pole was built and thus became a replacement pole for JEA, then the cellular tower equipment was placed atop the pole (and below on ground level). COMMENT- This reasoning by the city is flawed for the following reasons:

  • 1. The 100' mono pole cellular tower was designed for SPRINT PCS specifically as a cellular communications tower.
  • 2. The tower was built for SPRINT PCS.
  • 3. The tower was paid for by SPRINT PCS.
  • 4. The 80' pre existing JEA electrical pole was not in need of replacement and would there today if not for the presence of the SPRINT PCS tower. We call upon the City of Jacksonville to admit a mistake was made by permitting officials and city attorney and take immediate action to remove this illegal cellular communications tower.
    Council Pres. Don Davis Key Excerpt

    Councilman Dick Kravitz Key Excerpt

    Councilman Jim Tullis Key Excerpt

    Councilman Eric Smith Key Excerpt

    Councilman Dick Brown Key Excerpt

    To read a verbatim of comments made by all guests and members of the City Council on the tower controversy at the 14 July Council meeting CLICK HERE FOR TRANSCRIPT

    For information on SPRINT PCS and exactly how this Cellular Tower was placed 35 feet from a residence, in clear violation of the city ordinance, express purpose of which tower is for cellular communications (not as a replacement electrical pole as the City of Jacksonville has stated) click on SPRINT Celltower Chronology and Background:

     SPRINT Celltower Chronology and Background


     St Petersburg Times Article on Hillsborough County, Florida Struggle Against Mis Sited Cellular Towers

     Wireless Telephone Towers

    Excellent site with comprehensive and up to date links to other cellular tower sites, including link to the Federal Court decision in Sprint Spectrum v. Town of Ontario Planning Board

     Florida Times Union 8 Jul- "Neighbors Upset With Antenna - Sprint Erects Taller Telephone Tower"

     Florida Times Union 22 Jul- "City Attempts to further Regulate Cell Towers"

     St. Lucie County Rejects Cellular Communications Tower Varience Request

     Excerpt from City Ordinance 320 - Building Officials' Power to Revoke A Permit Previously Approved In Error

     Jacksonville Ord 96-305-296

     Cellular Towers, EMR and Health Effects

     Wireless Communications Facilities Issues Paper

    Excellent abstract prepared by the San Diego Association of Governments which examines technical, health and safety issues that local governments and wireless communications industry currently face.

    Cellular Tower Coalition (CTC)

    WJXT-TV 4 Editorial

    COMMENT: We thank WJXT for their editorial; however, it is our position that there is no loophole in the present City Ordinance governing cellular phone towers in residential areas. The City of Jacksonville's attorney has issued an opinion, repeat, opinion, that this tower is legal since the mono pole it rests on is a "replacement pole" for JEA electrical lines. Since this mono pole is 20 feet higher than any other electrical pole in the area and was in fact built by SPRINT PCS specifically for cellular communications equipment, that any opinion that this is a "replacement pole" is ridiculous. If not for SPRINT PCS, the mono pole would not have been erected and the 80 foot high pre existing JEA electrical pole would still be there. The SPRINT PCS 100 foot cellular tower, in our opinion , is in fact illegal under the existing city ordinance. We call upon the City of Jacksonville to review this case and enforce the existing city ordinance.
    You may Voice Your Concerns To:
    jdelaney@coj.netMayor Delaney
    maryanns@coj.netCouncilwoman Mary Ann Southwell SPRINT PCS
    news@wjxt.comWJXT-TV Channel 4

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    This Site Updated 11 February 2001

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