Fruit fly infromation culturing fruit flies raising
fruit flies
To the left are
the 8 inch jars we use to culture our drosiphilia ( fruit flies) . And
below are two up close pictures of the same jars after about
18 days . We use the larger FF because we feel they offer a larger
meal and culture just as easy as the smaller ones do .
Small FF have about a 14 day cycle
Larger FF have a 21 day cycle
85 degrees is the best temperature we find to keep the FF living and
doing well . I suggest you make at least 6 cultures . Oh and by the way
.The small 3 inch tubes you get from a FF supplier are just
to be used as a starter colony. You would allow that little colony to produce
flies and transfer them ( the new bugs) to a larger container. And after
you see new bugs in the larger container you can feed from it ! So it should
take you about a month to get production going . Use a commercial blend
of the medium until you are growing lots of flies then you can experiment
around with other home made recipes . There are plenty of fruit recipes
and some of them work just fine . A word of caution . If you married and
you want to keep your family together don't try raising FF in a real fruit
mixture as a first attempt .. Because some times the cultures can get pretty
moldy or stinky ! which ever you want to call it is all rite with me .
Just remember It can stink ! But on the other hand the real fruit cultures
will produce a huge blossom of bugs . Then as quickly as it started to
produce it stops . Or at least this has been my experience .