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Cindy's World of Raggedy Ann

Above is a picture of my favorite Raggedy Ann. I received her in 1980, as a Christmas gift. She finds a warm home among her 200 plus raggedy brothers and sisters. As you can see, she is well-loved (worn thin, but loved!). I hope to get more pics of some of my other Anns on this page soon. Thanks for stopping by! As you can see by my links, I love Raggedy Ann. As the saying goes, "Whenever you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."

My Favorite Links

Traveling Ann's adventures across the U.S.A.!
The official site of The Johnny Gruelle Raggedy Ann and Andy Museum
Charles and Cheryl Platt's Raggedy Ann and Andy Homepage
The Raggedy Ann and Andy Home Page
My favorite getaway (and Ann's too!)
A Raggedy Shop
